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💾 Easily manage access to your open directory through OAuth2

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With a `--theme` value of `"./blue/"` for example. Expansion of #37.


As of commit 0685244fa2a35033f342aa5346201b6d68f2bd8b, the theme configuration is handled via the config.json file. I propose that a theme can be configured by simply referring to its Git repository, like so:...


Didn't see any straightforward way to do this, it's possible I missed something. Instead of using an IDP, load users from a htpasswd, plain text, or json list of usernames...


🐱‍💻 [dark-theme branch](


As above or add setup process on first time web page load/when no config found. This would ease setting up Andesite for non-technical people.


Problem: Redirects to `` ### Files: `~/.config/andesite/config.json` ```json { "root": "/var/www/[REDACTED]/public/private", "base": "/private/", "port": 8021, "auth": "discord", "discord": { "id": "[REDACTED]", "secret": "[REDACTED]" } } ``` `/etc/nginx/sites-available/[REDACTED].conf` ```nginx server {...