act copied to clipboard
Error: failed to start container: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path
Bug report info
โ llm_playground git:(main) act --bug-report
act version: 0.2.60
GOOS: darwin
GOARCH: arm64
NumCPU: 10
Docker host: DOCKER_HOST environment variable is not set
Sockets found:
Config files:
/Users/steven/Library/Application Support/act/actrc:
-P ubuntu-latest=node:16-buster-slim
-P ubuntu-22.04=node:16-bullseye-slim
-P ubuntu-20.04=node:16-buster-slim
-P ubuntu-18.04=node:16-buster-slim
Build info:
Go version: go1.22.0
Module path: command-line-arguments
Main version:
Main path:
Main checksum:
Build settings:
-buildmode: exe
-compiler: gc
-ldflags: -X main.version=0.2.60
DefaultGODEBUG: httplaxcontentlength=1,httpmuxgo121=1,panicnil=1,tls10server=1,tlsrsakex=1,tlsunsafeekm=1
GOARCH: arm64
GOOS: darwin
Error: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
### Command used with act
`act push --container-architecture linux/amd64`
Describe issue
INFO[0000] Using docker host 'unix:///Users/steven/.docker/run/docker.sock', and daemon socket 'unix:///Users/steven/.docker/run/docker.sock'
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ Start image=node:16-buster-slim
INFO[0000] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker pull image=node:16-buster-slim platform=linux/amd64 username= forcePull=true
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] using DockerAuthConfig authentication for docker pull
INFO[0004] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker create image=node:16-buster-slim platform=linux/amd64 entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker run image=node:16-buster-slim platform=linux/amd64 entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
Error: failed to start container: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/host_mnt/Users/steven/.docker/run/docker.sock': mkdir /host_mnt/Users/steven/.docker/run/docker.sock: operation not supported```
### Link to GitHub repository
_No response_
### Workflow content
- cron: '0 16 * * *' # UTC time equivalent of 12 PM ET
- main
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
NOTEBOOK_NAME: 'Untitled1.ipynb'
OUTPUT_FILE: 'executed_${{ github.run_id }}.pdf'
working-directory: .
python-version: [3.11]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3 # Check out the repository code
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Navigate to the folder and install dependencies
run: |
pip install --user pipenv
pipenv install --deploy
- name: Execute Jupyter Notebook
#API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.API_TOKEN }}
run: |
pipenv run jupyter nbconvert --to webpdf --execute $NOTEBOOK_NAME --output $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/$OUTPUT_FILE --allow-chromium-download
- name: Upload executed notebook as an artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ${{ env.OUTPUT_FILE }}
path: ${{ env.OUTPUT_FILE }}
### Relevant log output
โ llm_playground git:(main) act -v
DEBU[0000] Handling container host and socket
DEBU[0000] Defaulting container socket to DOCKER_HOST
INFO[0000] Using docker host 'unix:///Users/steven/.docker/run/docker.sock', and daemon socket 'unix:///Users/steven/.docker/run/docker.sock'
WARN โ You are using Apple M-series chip and you have not specified container architecture, you might encounter issues while running act. If so, try running it with '--container-architecture linux/amd64'. โ
DEBU[0000] Conditional GET for notices etag=b602dd8c-15c7-466f-be54-d63cf01a1ef2
DEBU[0000] Loading environment from /Users/steven/code/llm_playground/.env
DEBU[0000] Loading action inputs from /Users/steven/code/llm_playground/.input
DEBU[0000] Loading secrets from /Users/steven/code/llm_playground/.secrets
DEBU[0000] Loading vars from /Users/steven/code/llm_playground/.vars
DEBU[0000] Evaluated matrix inclusions: map[]
DEBU[0000] Loading workflows from '/Users/steven/code/llm_playground/.github/workflows'
DEBU[0000] Loading workflows recursively
DEBU[0000] Found workflow 'test.yml' in '/Users/steven/code/llm_playground/.github/workflows/test.yml'
DEBU[0000] Reading workflow '/Users/steven/code/llm_playground/.github/workflows/test.yml'
DEBU[0000] Preparing plan with all jobs
DEBU[0000] Using default workflow event: push
DEBU[0000] Planning jobs for event: push
DEBU[0000] gc: 2024-03-05 13:59:09.86976 -0800 PST m=+0.004482835 module=artifactcache
DEBU[0000] Plan Stages: [0x14000122438]
DEBU[0000] Stages Runs: [run-notebook]
DEBU[0000] Job.Name: run-notebook
DEBU[0000] Job.RawNeeds: {0 0 <nil> [] 0 0}
DEBU[0000] Job.RawRunsOn: {8 0 !!str ubuntu-latest <nil> [] 16 14}
DEBU[0000] Job.Env: {4 0 !!map <nil> [0x1400040e1e0 0x1400040e280 0x1400040e320 0x1400040e3c0] 18 7}
DEBU[0000] Job.If: {0 0 success() <nil> [] 0 0}
DEBU[0000] Job.Steps: actions/checkout@v3
DEBU[0000] Job.Steps: Set up Python
DEBU[0000] Job.Steps: Navigate to the folder and install dependencies
DEBU[0000] Job.Steps: Execute Jupyter Notebook
DEBU[0000] Job.Steps: Upload executed notebook as an artifact
DEBU[0000] Job.TimeoutMinutes:
DEBU[0000] Job.Services: map[]
DEBU[0000] Job.Strategy: &{false 0 {4 0 !!map <nil> [0x1400040eaa0 0x1400040eb40] 25 9}}
DEBU[0000] Job.RawContainer: {0 0 <nil> [] 0 0}
DEBU[0000] Job.Defaults.Run.Shell:
DEBU[0000] Job.Defaults.Run.WorkingDirectory: .
DEBU[0000] Job.Outputs: map[]
DEBU[0000] Job.Uses:
DEBU[0000] Job.With: map[]
DEBU[0000] Job.Result:
DEBU[0000] Job.Strategy.FailFast: false
DEBU[0000] Job.Strategy.MaxParallel: 0
DEBU[0000] Job.Strategy.FailFastString:
DEBU[0000] Job.Strategy.MaxParallelString:
DEBU[0000] Job.Strategy.RawMatrix: {4 0 !!map <nil> [0x1400040eaa0 0x1400040eb40] 25 9}
DEBU[0000] Loading revision from git directory
DEBU[0000] Found revision: b3fb1609b2c96ffb8c5a0edf6c5b6b83fd3d1578
DEBU[0000] HEAD points to 'b3fb1609b2c96ffb8c5a0edf6c5b6b83fd3d1578'
DEBU[0000] using github ref: refs/heads/main
DEBU[0000] Found revision: b3fb1609b2c96ffb8c5a0edf6c5b6b83fd3d1578
DEBU[0000] Loading revision from git directory
DEBU[0000] Found revision: b3fb1609b2c96ffb8c5a0edf6c5b6b83fd3d1578
DEBU[0000] HEAD points to 'b3fb1609b2c96ffb8c5a0edf6c5b6b83fd3d1578'
DEBU[0000] using github ref: refs/heads/main
DEBU[0000] Found revision: b3fb1609b2c96ffb8c5a0edf6c5b6b83fd3d1578
DEBU[0000] Job Matrices: [map[python-version:3.11]]
DEBU[0000] Runner Matrices: map[]
DEBU[0000] Final matrix after applying user inclusions '[map[python-version:3.11]]'
DEBU[0000] Loading revision from git directory
DEBU[0000] Found revision: b3fb1609b2c96ffb8c5a0edf6c5b6b83fd3d1578
DEBU[0000] HEAD points to 'b3fb1609b2c96ffb8c5a0edf6c5b6b83fd3d1578'
DEBU[0000] using github ref: refs/heads/main
DEBU[0000] Found revision: b3fb1609b2c96ffb8c5a0edf6c5b6b83fd3d1578
DEBU[0000] Detected CPUs: 10
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'success()'
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] expression 'success()' evaluated to 'true'
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ Start image=node:16-buster-slim
INFO[0000] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker pull image=node:16-buster-slim platform= username= forcePull=true
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] ๐ณ docker pull node:16-buster-slim
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] pulling image '' ()
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] using DockerAuthConfig authentication for docker pull
DEBU[0000] Saving notices etag=b602dd8c-15c7-466f-be54-d63cf01a1ef2
DEBU[0000] No new notices
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] Pulling from library/node :: 16-buster-slim
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] Digest: sha256:3ebf2875c188d22939c6ab080cfb1a4a6248cc86bae600ea8e2326aa03acdb8f ::
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] Status: Downloaded newer image for node:16-buster-slim ::
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] Removed container: 77e7e797c2d38cf12428820a2aa57a4fcdf31304554b270cc98ff84e4ce75082
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] ๐ณ docker volume rm act-LLM-PLAYGROUND-TEST-WORKFLOW-run-notebook-297a8a35ec61d134ca9c496afaf5c824dfffc8468c07197d3b0023f9c3927732
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] ๐ณ docker volume rm act-LLM-PLAYGROUND-TEST-WORKFLOW-run-notebook-297a8a35ec61d134ca9c496afaf5c824dfffc8468c07197d3b0023f9c3927732-env
INFO[0004] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker create image=node:16-buster-slim platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] Common container.Config ==> &{Hostname: Domainname: User: AttachStdin:false AttachStdout:false AttachStderr:false ExposedPorts:map[] Tty:true OpenStdin:false StdinOnce:false Env:[RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE=/opt/hostedtoolcache RUNNER_OS=Linux RUNNER_ARCH=ARM64 RUNNER_TEMP=/tmp LANG=C.UTF-8] Cmd:[] Healthcheck:<nil> ArgsEscaped:false Image:node:16-buster-slim Volumes:map[] WorkingDir:/Users/steven/code/llm_playground Entrypoint:[] NetworkDisabled:false MacAddress: OnBuild:[] Labels:map[] StopSignal: StopTimeout:<nil> Shell:[]}
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] Common container.HostConfig ==> &{Binds:[/Users/steven/.docker/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock] ContainerIDFile: LogConfig:{Type: Config:map[]} NetworkMode:host PortBindings:map[] RestartPolicy:{Name: MaximumRetryCount:0} AutoRemove:false VolumeDriver: VolumesFrom:[] ConsoleSize:[0 0] Annotations:map[] CapAdd:[] CapDrop:[] CgroupnsMode: DNS:[] DNSOptions:[] DNSSearch:[] ExtraHosts:[] GroupAdd:[] IpcMode: Cgroup: Links:[] OomScoreAdj:0 PidMode: Privileged:false PublishAllPorts:false ReadonlyRootfs:false SecurityOpt:[] StorageOpt:map[] Tmpfs:map[] UTSMode: UsernsMode: ShmSize:0 Sysctls:map[] Runtime: Isolation: Resources:{CPUShares:0 Memory:0 NanoCPUs:0 CgroupParent: BlkioWeight:0 BlkioWeightDevice:[] BlkioDeviceReadBps:[] BlkioDeviceWriteBps:[] BlkioDeviceReadIOps:[] BlkioDeviceWriteIOps:[] CPUPeriod:0 CPUQuota:0 CPURealtimePeriod:0 CPURealtimeRuntime:0 CpusetCpus: CpusetMems: Devices:[] DeviceCgroupRules:[] DeviceRequests:[] KernelMemory:0 KernelMemoryTCP:0 MemoryReservation:0 MemorySwap:0 MemorySwappiness:<nil> OomKillDisable:<nil> PidsLimit:<nil> Ulimits:[] CPUCount:0 CPUPercent:0 IOMaximumIOps:0 IOMaximumBandwidth:0} Mounts:[{Type:volume Source:act-toolcache Target:/opt/hostedtoolcache ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions:<nil> VolumeOptions:<nil> TmpfsOptions:<nil> ClusterOptions:<nil>} {Type:volume Source:act-LLM-PLAYGROUND-TEST-WORKFLOW-run-notebook-297a8a35ec61d134ca9c496afaf5c824dfffc8468c07197d3b0023f9c3927732-env Target:/var/run/act ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions:<nil> VolumeOptions:<nil> TmpfsOptions:<nil> ClusterOptions:<nil>} {Type:volume Source:act-LLM-PLAYGROUND-TEST-WORKFLOW-run-notebook-297a8a35ec61d134ca9c496afaf5c824dfffc8468c07197d3b0023f9c3927732 Target:/Users/steven/code/llm_playground ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions:<nil> VolumeOptions:<nil> TmpfsOptions:<nil> ClusterOptions:<nil>}] MaskedPaths:[] ReadonlyPaths:[] Init:<nil>}
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] input.NetworkAliases ==> [run-notebook]
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] Created container name=act-LLM-PLAYGROUND-TEST-WORKFLOW-run-notebook-297a8a35ec61d134ca9c496afaf5c824dfffc8468c07197d3b0023f9c3927732 id=6b1341f6fa2c42a88f83b622f06f1a67c6995f3fce8b2d0cc8b7fb7b39980954 from image node:16-buster-slim (platform: )
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker run image=node:16-buster-slim platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] [DEBUG] Starting container: 6b1341f6fa2c42a88f83b622f06f1a67c6995f3fce8b2d0cc8b7fb7b39980954
Error: failed to start container: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/host_mnt/Users/steven/.docker/run/docker.sock': mkdir /host_mnt/Users/steven/.docker/run/docker.sock: operation not supported
### Additional information
I can do very basic stuff on my machine like this docker command without sudo. I also tried all of the above with sudo and still errors.
`docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/workspace ubuntu bash`
Add this line
--container-daemon-socket -
to ~/.actrc
This disables mounting the docker socket into the job container and should resolve any problems
This somehow reminds to be a regression due to a recent fix. The usage of non mountable unix sockets on macOS, due to usage of VM's.
It's unpredictable...
lol it worked, well at least it got passed this issue! Thanks @ChristopherHX
seems like the whole container thing is not working with Python 3.11 . . . going to decrement until it does work
โ llm_playground git:(main) โ vi ~/.actrc
โ llm_playground git:(main) โ act push
INFO[0000] Using docker host 'unix:///Users/steven/.docker/run/docker.sock', and daemon socket '-'
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ Start image=node:16-buster-slim
INFO[0000] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker pull image=node:16-buster-slim platform=linux/amd64 username= forcePull=true
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] using DockerAuthConfig authentication for docker pull
INFO[0004] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker create image=node:16-buster-slim platform=linux/amd64 entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker run image=node:16-buster-slim platform=linux/amd64 entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โ git clone '' # ref=v4
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โ git clone '' # ref=v4
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐งช Matrix: map[python-version:3.11]
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โญ Run Main actions/checkout@v3
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker cp src=/Users/steven/code/llm_playground/. dst=/Users/steven/code/llm_playground
Success - Main actions/checkout@v3
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โญ Run Main Set up Python
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker cp src=/Users/steven/.cache/act/actions-setup-python@v4/ dst=/var/run/act/actions/actions-setup-python@v4/
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker exec cmd=[node /var/run/act/actions/actions-setup-python@v4/dist/setup/index.js] user= workdir=
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::Python is expected to be installed into /opt/hostedtoolcache
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โ ::group::Installed versions
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::Semantic version spec of 3.11 is 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::isExplicit:
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::explicit? false
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::evaluating 0 versions
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::match not found
| Version 3.11 was not found in the local cache
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::Getting manifest from actions/python-versions@main
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.13.0-alpha.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.13.0-alpha.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.13.0-alpha.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.13.0-alpha.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-rc.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-rc.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-rc.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-beta.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-beta.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-beta.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-beta.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.8 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::arm64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::arm64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::arm64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::arm64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::arm64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::arm64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-rc.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-rc.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-beta.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-beta.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-beta.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-beta.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-beta.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.13 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.12 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.11 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.9 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.8 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-rc.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-rc.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-beta.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-beta.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-beta.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-beta.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.18 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.17 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.16 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.15 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.14 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.13 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.12 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.11 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.9 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.8 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.2-rc.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.1-rc.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.0 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.0-rc.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.0-rc.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.0-beta.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.0-beta.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.18 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.17 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.16 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.15 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.14 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.13 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.12 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.11 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.9 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.8 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.0 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.17 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.16 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.15 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.14 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.13 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.12 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.11 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.9 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.8 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.15 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.14 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.13 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.12 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.11 satisfies 3.11
--container-architecture linux/amd64 -
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.9 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.8 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.5.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.5.9 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.5.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.4.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.4.4 satisfies 3.11
--container-architecture linux/am
--container-daemon-socket -
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.3.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.3.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.2.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.1.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.0.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::Unable to locate executable file: lsb_release. Please verify either the file path exists or the file can be found within a directory specified by the PATH environment variable. Also check the file mode to verify the file is executable.
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โ ::error::The version '3.11' with architecture 'x64' was not found for this operating system.%0AThe list of all available versions can be found here:
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โ Failure - Main Set up Python
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] exitcode '1': failure
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ Job failed
Error: Job 'run-notebook' failed
โ llm_playground git:(main) โ vi ~/.actrc
โ llm_playground git:(main) โ act push
INFO[0000] Using docker host 'unix:///Users/steven/.docker/run/docker.sock', and daemon socket '-'
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ Start image=node:16-buster-slim
INFO[0000] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker pull image=node:16-buster-slim platform=linux/amd64 - username= forcePull=true
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] using DockerAuthConfig authentication for docker pull
Error: Error response from daemon: "amd64 -" is an invalid component of "linux/amd64 -": platform specifier component must match "^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$": invalid argument
โ llm_playground git:(main) โ vi ~/.actrc
โ llm_playground git:(main) โ act push --container-architecture linux/amd64
INFO[0000] Using docker host 'unix:///Users/steven/.docker/run/docker.sock', and daemon socket '-'
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ Start image=node:16-buster-slim
INFO[0000] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker pull image=node:16-buster-slim platform=linux/amd64 username= forcePull=true
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] using DockerAuthConfig authentication for docker pull
INFO[0004] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker create image=node:16-buster-slim platform=linux/amd64 entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker run image=node:16-buster-slim platform=linux/amd64 entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โ git clone '' # ref=v4
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โ git clone '' # ref=v4
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐งช Matrix: map[python-version:3.11]
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โญ Run Main actions/checkout@v3
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker cp src=/Users/steven/code/llm_playground/. dst=/Users/steven/code/llm_playground
Success - Main actions/checkout@v3
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โญ Run Main Set up Python
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker cp src=/Users/steven/.cache/act/actions-setup-python@v4/ dst=/var/run/act/actions/actions-setup-python@v4/
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ณ docker exec cmd=[node /var/run/act/actions/actions-setup-python@v4/dist/setup/index.js] user= workdir=
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::Python is expected to be installed into /opt/hostedtoolcache
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โ ::group::Installed versions
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::Semantic version spec of 3.11 is 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::isExplicit:
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::explicit? false
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::evaluating 0 versions
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::match not found
| Version 3.11 was not found in the local cache
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::Getting manifest from actions/python-versions@main
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.13.0-alpha.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.13.0-alpha.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.13.0-alpha.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.13.0-alpha.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-rc.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-rc.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-rc.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-beta.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-beta.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-beta.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-beta.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.12.0-alpha.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.8 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::arm64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::arm64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::arm64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::arm64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::arm64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::arm64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && darwin===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && linux===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x64===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::x86===x64 && win32===linux
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-rc.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-rc.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-beta.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-beta.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-beta.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-beta.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-beta.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.11.0-alpha.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.13 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.12 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.11 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.9 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.8 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-rc.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-rc.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-beta.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-beta.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-beta.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-beta.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.10.0-alpha.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.18 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.17 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.16 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.15 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.14 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.13 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.12 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.11 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.9 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.8 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.2-rc.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.1-rc.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.0 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.0-rc.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.0-rc.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.0-beta.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.9.0-beta.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.18 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.17 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.16 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.15 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.14 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.13 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.12 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.11 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.9 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.8 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.8.0 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.17 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.16 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.15 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.14 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.13 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.12 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.11 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.9 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.8 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.6 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.3 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.2 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.7.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.15 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.14 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.13 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.12 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.11 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.9 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.8 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.6.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.5.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.5.9 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.5.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.4.10 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.4.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.3.7 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.3.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.2.5 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.1.4 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::check 3.0.1 satisfies 3.11
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ฌ ::debug::Unable to locate executable file: lsb_release. Please verify either the file path exists or the file can be found within a directory specified by the PATH environment variable. Also check the file mode to verify the file is executable.
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โ ::error::The version '3.11' with architecture 'x64' was not found for this operating system.%0AThe list of all available versions can be found here:
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] โ Failure - Main Set up Python
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] exitcode '1': failure
[LLM PLAYGROUND TEST WORKFLOW/run-notebook] ๐ Job failed
Error: Job 'run-notebook' failed```
You have choosen the small image in the first time setup prompt now you have problems due to doing that.
Use -P <label>=<docker-image>:<tag>
to choose a larger one. Important it has to be ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04
Only the "large" image has the best compatibility
"small" hasn't even the correct linux distro for setup-python
Here the link to the docu of the image tags
@ChristopherHX Is it possible to update or reinitialize and change the initial setup option?
@lord-skinner Run act --bug-report
then delete all "config files" shown there. You will now be asked again if you skip -P ...
Maybe I propose a cli option for the same usecase...
@lord-skinner Run
act --bug-report
then delete all "config files" shown there. You will now be asked again if you skip-P ...
Maybe I propose a cli option for the same usecase...
cli-flag: I was thinking the same
act init
or act image-select
Add this line
--container-daemon-socket -
This disables mounting the docker socket into the job container and should resolve any problems
This resolved one problem for me, in the form:
Error: failed to start container: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/host_mnt/Users/mymacosuser/.docker/run/docker.sock': mkdir /host_mnt/Users/mymacosuser/.docker/run/docker.sock: operation not supported
But then I ran into a different problem later (when act tried to perform a docker action within my workflow).
which proposes a workaround of creating a symlink.
In the end, I was successful by:
- creating a symlink:
ln -s /var/run/docker.sock ~/.docker/run/docker.sock
- running with
act --container-daemon-socket="unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
(or adding to~/.actrc