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dotnet cannot be installed

Open XmasApple opened this issue 1 year ago โ€ข 3 comments

Bug report info

act version:            0.2.49
GOOS:                   linux
GOARCH:                 amd64
NumCPU:                 12
Docker host:            DOCKER_HOST environment variable is not set
Sockets found:
Config files:           
		-P ubuntu-latest=catthehacker/ubuntu:full-latest
		-P ubuntu-latest=catthehacker/ubuntu:full-20.04
		-P ubuntu-18.04=catthehacker/ubuntu:full-18.04
Build info:
	Go version:            go1.20.6
	Module path: 
	Main version:          (devel)
	Main path:   
	Main checksum:         
	Build settings:
		-buildmode:           exe
		-compiler:            gc
		-ldflags:             -s -w -X main.version=0.2.49 -X main.commit=d5d854854651c151ecd914bb6e2e370e0057929a -X -X main.builtBy=goreleaser
		CGO_ENABLED:          0
		GOARCH:               amd64
		GOOS:                 linux
		GOAMD64:              v1
		vcs:                  git
		vcs.revision:         d5d854854651c151ecd914bb6e2e370e0057929a
		vcs.time:             2023-08-01T02:21:38Z
		vcs.modified:         false
Docker Engine:
	Engine version:        24.0.5
	Engine runtime:        runc
	Cgroup version:        2
	Cgroup driver:         systemd
	Storage driver:        overlay2
	Registry URI:
	OS:                    Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
	OS type:               linux
	OS version:            22.04
	OS arch:               x86_64
	OS kernel:             5.19.0-50-generic
	OS CPU:                12
	OS memory:             31694 MB
	Security options:

Command used with act

act pull_request

Describe issue

[tests/unit-tests-1] ๐Ÿš€  Start image=node:16-bullseye-slim
[tests/unit-tests-1]   ๐Ÿณ  docker pull image=node:16-bullseye-slim platform= username= forcePull=true
[tests/unit-tests-1]   ๐Ÿณ  docker create image=node:16-bullseye-slim platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[]
[tests/unit-tests-1]   ๐Ÿณ  docker run image=node:16-bullseye-slim platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[]
[tests/unit-tests-1]   โ˜  git clone '' # ref=v3
[tests/unit-tests-1] ๐Ÿงช  Matrix: map[os:ubuntu-22.04]
[tests/unit-tests-1] โญ Run Main Checkout
[tests/unit-tests-1]   ๐Ÿณ  docker cp src=/home/user/src/project/. dst=/home/user/src/project
[tests/unit-tests-1]   โœ…  Success - Main Checkout
[tests/unit-tests-1] โญ Run Main Setup dotnet
[tests/unit-tests-1]   ๐Ÿณ  docker cp src=/home/user/.cache/act/actions-setup-dotnet@v3/ dst=/var/run/act/actions/actions-setup-dotnet@v3/
[tests/unit-tests-1]   ๐Ÿณ  docker exec cmd=[node /var/run/act/actions/actions-setup-dotnet@v3/dist/setup/index.js] user= workdir=
| [command]/run/act/actions/actions-setup-dotnet@v3/externals/ --channel 3.1
| dotnet_install: Error: curl (recommended) or wget are required to download dotnet. Install missing prerequisite to proceed.
[tests/unit-tests-1]   โ—  ::error::Failed to install dotnet, exit code: 1. dotnet_install: Error: curl (recommended) or wget are required to download dotnet. Install missing prerequisite to proceed.%0A
[tests/unit-tests-1]   โŒ  Failure - Main Setup dotnet
[tests/unit-tests-1] exitcode '1': failure
[tests/unit-tests-1] ๐Ÿ  Job failed

Link to GitHub repository

No response

Workflow content

name: tests
      - main
        os: [ubuntu-22.04, windows-2022, macos-12]
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Setup dotnet
        uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3
          dotnet-version: |
      - name: Test
        run: | 
          cd src
          dotnet test

Relevant log output

[tests/unit-tests-1] whale docker exec cmd=[node /var/run/act/actions/actions-setup-dotnet@v3/dist/setup/index.js] user= workdir=
| [command]/run/act/actions/actions-setup-dotnet@v3/externals/ --channel 3.1
| dotnet_install: Error: curl (recommended) or wget are required to download dotnet. Install missing prerequisite to proceed.
[tests/unit-tests-1] exclamation ::error::Failed to install dotnet, exit code: 1. dotnet_install: Error: curl (recommended) or wget are required to download dotnet. Install missing prerequisite to proceed.%0A

Additional information

No response

XmasApple avatar Aug 09 '23 14:08 XmasApple

Why not just install curl or wget before dotnet?

curl -sS | sh

virzak avatar Aug 31 '23 15:08 virzak

I got the same issue when I selected the slim image, but then I just run with a "bigger" image and it is working fine. e.g.: act -P ubuntu-latest=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest

MinoPlay avatar Sep 05 '23 11:09 MinoPlay

Issue is stale and will be closed in 14 days unless there is new activity

github-actions[bot] avatar Mar 04 '24 00:03 github-actions[bot]

This issue is still relevant for dotnet developers. The actions/setup-dotnet Action seems to be silently failing to do its job.

BinToss avatar Apr 21 '24 12:04 BinToss