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Missing data from RSS feed

Open AdaRoseCannon opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments

When parsing this large XML file, the output is only a tiny fraction of the full file:

  "declaration": {
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      "encoding": "UTF-8"

The full input is below (URL), i've validated that it is correct XML and other RSS feeds seem to work okay.

Full XML File
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        <title>Alice Isn't Dead</title>
        <pubDate>Fri, 15 Nov 2019 05:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
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        <copyright>2016, Night Vale Presents</copyright>
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        <![CDATA[<p>A truck driver searches across America for the wife she had long assumed was dead. In the course of her search, she will encounter not-quite-human serial murderers, towns literally lost in time, and a conspiracy that goes way beyond one missing woman.</p>]]>
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        <itunes:subtitle>A truck driver searches across America for the wife she had long assumed was dead. In the course of her search, she will encounter not-quite-human serial murderers, towns literally lost in time, and a conspiracy that goes way beyond one missing woman.</itunes:subtitle>
        <![CDATA[A truck driver searches across America for the wife she had long assumed was dead. In the course of her search, she will encounter not-quite-human serial murderers, towns literally lost in time, and a conspiracy that goes way beyond one missing woman.]]>
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        <title>Live Ep: The Finish Line</title>
        <pubDate>Fri, 15 Nov 2019 05:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>A brand new live Alice story, performed at the Largo in Los Angeles earlier this year.</p>

    <p>Don’t forget: you can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel – a totally reimagining of the story from the podcast – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">online or in your local bookstore today</a>. Plus, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">check out our website</a> for cool Alice Isn’t Dead t-shirts, pins, and posters you can own.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="19302407" />
        <itunes:subtitle>A brand new live Alice story, performed at the Largo in Los Angeles earlier this year.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[A brand new live Alice story, performed at the Largo in Los Angeles earlier this year.

    Don’t forget: you can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel – a totally reimagining of the story from the podcast – <a href="" target="_blank">online or in your local bookstore today</a>. Plus, <a href="" target="_blank">check out our website</a> for cool Alice Isn’t Dead t-shirts, pins, and posters you can own.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="19302407" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>A brand new live Alice story, performed at the Largo in Los Angeles earlier this year.</p>

    <p>Don’t forget: you can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel – a totally reimagining of the story from the podcast – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">online or in your local bookstore today</a>. Plus, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">check out our website</a> for cool Alice Isn’t Dead t-shirts, pins, and posters you can own.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_ed88f38c-95d4-44fe-9d5e-66c92d1e59b7</guid>
        <title>Bonus: The Window &amp; The Mirror</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 15 Oct 2019 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>A compilation of short Alice Isn't Dead bonus episodes we made for our Patreon supporters, based on locations chosen by donors. Now that the Patreon is long since closed, we are making them free for everyone. Enjoy!</p>

    <p>Don’t forget: you can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel – a totally reimagining of the story from the podcast – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">online or in your local bookstore today</a>. Plus, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">check out our website</a> for cool Alice Isn’t Dead t-shirts, pins, and posters you can own.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="15128058" />
        <itunes:subtitle>A compilation of short Alice Isn't Dead bonus episodes.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[A compilation of short Alice Isn't Dead bonus episodes we made for our Patreon supporters, based on locations chosen by donors. Now that the Patreon is long since closed, we are making them free for everyone. Enjoy!

    Don’t forget: you can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel – a totally reimagining of the story from the podcast – <a href="" target="_blank">online or in your local bookstore today</a>. Plus, <a href="" target="_blank">check out our website</a> for cool Alice Isn’t Dead t-shirts, pins, and posters you can own.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="15128058" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>A compilation of short Alice Isn't Dead bonus episodes we made for our Patreon supporters, based on locations chosen by donors. Now that the Patreon is long since closed, we are making them free for everyone. Enjoy!</p>

    <p>Don’t forget: you can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel – a totally reimagining of the story from the podcast – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">online or in your local bookstore today</a>. Plus, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">check out our website</a> for cool Alice Isn’t Dead t-shirts, pins, and posters you can own.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_478aa078-12e1-4c02-9797-8e8839961306</guid>
        <title>Start With This: Idea to Execution</title>
        <pubDate>Mon, 25 Mar 2019 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>A brand new podcast from Night Vale Presents co-founders Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor: Start With This, a podcast gone creativity playground designed to put your ideas in motion. Each episode centers around a topic from world building, to opening lines, and even failure. Then they give listeners two short assignments: something to consume and something to create. The best way to start writing is to start writing. Not sure where to begin? Start With This.</p>

    <p>To keep listening to Start With This, subscribe on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apple Podcasts</a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Spotify</a>, or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">your favorite podcast app</a>.</p>


    <p>There’s natural talent, and then there’s practice. You can only control that last bit. Joseph and Jeffrey talk building habits of creation so that starting projects gets into your muscle memory.</p>


    <p>Check out Jonathan Mann’s <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Song A Day Youtube channel</a>. Jonathan’s been writing and recording a song a day for over 3,000 days— it’s the ultimate example of flexing the habit of creation.</p>


    <p>Pick an idea that you’ve had for a while. Take exactly 1 hour to work on it exclusively. This can be one continuous hour, or 30 minutes for two days, or 10 minutes for six days. Then put it out there (written or recorded) on our Membership Community, your website, or shout it to a bird from your porch. Consider this your first try of many at this idea.</p>

    <p>Join the SWT Membership community to see what other listeners are making:Â <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Credits: Jeffrey Cranor (host) &amp; Joseph Fink (host), Julia Melfi (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo). Produced by Night Vale Presents.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br>
    <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="33701728" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Start With This is a brand new podcast from Night Vale Presents.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[A brand new podcast from Night Vale Presents co-founders Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor: Start With This, a podcast gone creativity playground designed to put your ideas in motion. Each episode centers around a topic from world building, to opening lines, and even failure. Then they give listeners two short assignments: something to consume and something to create. The best way to start writing is to start writing. Not sure where to begin? Start With This. To keep listening to Start With This, subscribe on <a href="">Apple Podcasts</a>, <a href="">Spotify</a>, or <a href="">your favorite podcast app</a>. // There’s natural talent, and then there’s practice. You can only control that last bit. Joseph and Jeffrey talk building habits of creation so that starting projects gets into your muscle memory. Consume: Check out Jonathan Mann’s <a href="">Song A Day Youtube channel</a>. Jonathan’s been writing and recording a song a day for over 3,000 days— it’s the ultimate example of flexing the habit of creation. Create: Pick an idea that you’ve had for a while. Take exactly 1 hour to work on it exclusively. This can be one continuous hour, or 30 minutes for two days, or 10 minutes for six days. Then put it out there (written or recorded) on our Membership Community, your website, or shout it to a bird from your porch. Consider this your first try of many at this idea. Join the SWT Membership community to see what other listeners are making: <a href=""></a> Credits: Jeffrey Cranor (host) &amp; Joseph Fink (host), Julia Melfi (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo). Produced by Night Vale Presents. <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="33701728" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>A brand new podcast from Night Vale Presents co-founders Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor: Start With This, a podcast gone creativity playground designed to put your ideas in motion. Each episode centers around a topic from world building, to opening lines, and even failure. Then they give listeners two short assignments: something to consume and something to create. The best way to start writing is to start writing. Not sure where to begin? Start With This.</p>

    <p>To keep listening to Start With This, subscribe on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apple Podcasts</a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Spotify</a>, or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">your favorite podcast app</a>.</p>


    <p>There’s natural talent, and then there’s practice. You can only control that last bit. Joseph and Jeffrey talk building habits of creation so that starting projects gets into your muscle memory.</p>


    <p>Check out Jonathan Mann’s <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Song A Day Youtube channel</a>. Jonathan’s been writing and recording a song a day for over 3,000 days— it’s the ultimate example of flexing the habit of creation.</p>


    <p>Pick an idea that you’ve had for a while. Take exactly 1 hour to work on it exclusively. This can be one continuous hour, or 30 minutes for two days, or 10 minutes for six days. Then put it out there (written or recorded) on our Membership Community, your website, or shout it to a bird from your porch. Consider this your first try of many at this idea.</p>

    <p>Join the SWT Membership community to see what other listeners are making:Â <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Credits: Jeffrey Cranor (host) &amp; Joseph Fink (host), Julia Melfi (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo). Produced by Night Vale Presents.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br>
    <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_717f9226-ab30-4f9e-8d6b-513dec05ffcf</guid>
        <title>More Alice Isn't Dead and a brand new podcast!</title>
        <pubDate>Fri, 08 Mar 2019 15:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Come see a brand new Alice Isn’t Dead live show, along with performances from Within the Wires and Welcome to Night Vale’s the Faceless Old Woman, at the Largo in LA on April 27!<br>
    Tickets available now: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Listen to Joseph Fink’s new podcast with his Welcome to Night Vale co-creator Jeffrey Cranor: Start With This. Start With This is a show designed to get you thinking about, talking about, and, most importantly, making art. Normally, Joseph and Jeffrey are the ones turning their ideas into stories. But for this podcast, it’s you who will do the writing, one short and simple assignment at a time. Because the best way to start writing is to start writing.<br>
    Subscribe today: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="4271404" />
        <itunes:subtitle>More Alice Isn't Dead and a brand new podcast!</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Come see a brand new Alice Isn’t Dead live show, along with performances from Within the Wires and Welcome to Night Vale’s the Faceless Old Woman, at the Largo in LA on April 27!
    Tickets available now: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Listen to Joseph Fink’s new podcast with his Welcome to Night Vale co-creator Jeffrey Cranor: Start With This. Start With This is a show designed to get you thinking about, talking about, and, most importantly, making art. Normally, Joseph and Jeffrey are the ones turning their ideas into stories. But for this podcast, it’s you who will do the writing, one short and simple assignment at a time. Because the best way to start writing is to start writing.
    Subscribe today: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="4271404" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Come see a brand new Alice Isn’t Dead live show, along with performances from Within the Wires and Welcome to Night Vale’s the Faceless Old Woman, at the Largo in LA on April 27!<br>
    Tickets available now: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Listen to Joseph Fink’s new podcast with his Welcome to Night Vale co-creator Jeffrey Cranor: Start With This. Start With This is a show designed to get you thinking about, talking about, and, most importantly, making art. Normally, Joseph and Jeffrey are the ones turning their ideas into stories. But for this podcast, it’s you who will do the writing, one short and simple assignment at a time. Because the best way to start writing is to start writing.<br>
    Subscribe today: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_d95061c0-eaff-49ab-9a87-6177467f5712</guid>
        <title>Dear Reader</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 30 Oct 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>A short letter to the reader that didn’t make it into the final version of the Alice Isn’t Dead novel. Thanks so much for going on this road trip with us.</p>

    <p>You can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel right now online or in your local independent book store: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Don’t miss Joseph Fink on the 18-city Alice Isn’t Dead book tour, starting tonight in Brooklyn: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="5417358" />
        <itunes:subtitle>A short letter to the reader from Joseph Fink that didn’t make it into the final book.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[A short letter to the reader that didn’t make it into the final version of the Alice Isn’t Dead novel. Thanks so much for going on this road trip with us.

    You can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel right now online or in your local independent book store: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Don’t miss Joseph Fink on the 18-city Alice Isn’t Dead book tour, starting tonight in Brooklyn: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="5417358" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>A short letter to the reader that didn’t make it into the final version of the Alice Isn’t Dead novel. Thanks so much for going on this road trip with us.</p>

    <p>You can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel right now online or in your local independent book store: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Don’t miss Joseph Fink on the 18-city Alice Isn’t Dead book tour, starting tonight in Brooklyn: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_9f7fd595-fbeb-4a7c-bb81-b75c56eb9187</guid>
        <title>Alice Isn't Dead Novel Excerpt 4</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 23 Oct 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Just one week until the Alice Isn’t Dead novel is released! Enjoy this excerpt from the audiobook, read by Jasika Nicole.<br>
    Pre-order the novel <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">right here</a>, and don’t forget to check out our 18-city <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">book tour</a>, which kicks off in Brooklyn on October 30.<br>
    Check out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> for more information about our show.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="10510501" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Just one week until the Alice Isn’t Dead novel is released!</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Just one week until the Alice Isn’t Dead novel is released! Enjoy this excerpt from the audiobook, read by Jasika Nicole. Pre-order the novel <a href="">right here</a>, and don’t forget to check out our 18-city <a href="">book tour</a>, which kicks off in Brooklyn on October 30. Check out <a href=""></a> for more information about our show.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="10510501" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Just one week until the Alice Isn’t Dead novel is released! Enjoy this excerpt from the audiobook, read by Jasika Nicole.<br>
    Pre-order the novel <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">right here</a>, and don’t forget to check out our 18-city <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">book tour</a>, which kicks off in Brooklyn on October 30.<br>
    Check out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> for more information about our show.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_a85324c3-4aae-4f55-932a-cf94e65d2794</guid>
        <title>Alice Isn't Dead Novel Excerpt 3</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 09 Oct 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Our third excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole. Just a few more weeks until the novel is released!<br>
    You can pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>, and check out our <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">book tour</a>, which kicks off in Brooklyn on October 30, novel release day.</p>

    <p>Check out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> for more information about our show.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="3549809" />
        <itunes:subtitle>An excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Our third excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole. Just a few more weeks until the novel is released! You can pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel <a href="">here</a>, and check out our <a href="">book tour</a>, which kicks off in Brooklyn on October 30, novel release day. Check out <a href=""></a> for more information about our show.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="3549809" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Our third excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole. Just a few more weeks until the novel is released!<br>
    You can pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>, and check out our <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">book tour</a>, which kicks off in Brooklyn on October 30, novel release day.</p>

    <p>Check out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> for more information about our show.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_156dca85-4eb4-4aa9-9604-e8115621b1af</guid>
        <title>Alice Isn't Dead Novel Excerpt 2</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 25 Sep 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>An excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole. New excerpts every two weeks leading up to the release of the novel on October 30!<br>
    You can pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>, and check out our 17-city book tour, including an LA stop featuring Jasika Nicole and Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">right here</a>.</p>

    <p>Check out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> for more information about our show.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="4249455" />
        <itunes:subtitle>An excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[An excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole. New excerpts every two weeks leading up to the release of the novel on October 30! You can pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel <a href="">here</a>, and check out our 17-city book tour, including an LA stop featuring Jasika Nicole and Disparition, <a href="">right here</a>. Check out <a href=""></a> for more information about our show.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="4249455" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>An excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole. New excerpts every two weeks leading up to the release of the novel on October 30!<br>
    You can pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>, and check out our 17-city book tour, including an LA stop featuring Jasika Nicole and Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">right here</a>.</p>

    <p>Check out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> for more information about our show.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_795fd9ce-0189-4358-992f-4a5d0ccf5c0f</guid>
        <title>Alice Isn't Dead Novel Excerpt 1</title>
        <pubDate>Wed, 12 Sep 2018 16:51:39 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>An excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole. We’ll be posting excerpts from the audiobook every two weeks leading up to the release of the novel on October 30, and we’ll be posting something very special on the novel release date, so stay tuned.<br>
    You can pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>, and check out our 17-city book tour, including an LA stop featuring Jasika Nicole and Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">right here</a>.</p>

    <p>Check out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> for more information about our show.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="7709321" />
        <itunes:subtitle>An excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[An excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole. We’ll be posting excerpts from the audiobook every two weeks leading up to the release of the novel on October 30, and we’ll be posting something very special on the novel release date, so stay tuned.

    You can pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>, and check out our 17-city book tour, including an LA stop featuring Jasika Nicole and Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank">right here</a>.

    Check out <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for more information about our show.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="7709321" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>An excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole. We’ll be posting excerpts from the audiobook every two weeks leading up to the release of the novel on October 30, and we’ll be posting something very special on the novel release date, so stay tuned.<br>
    You can pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>, and check out our 17-city book tour, including an LA stop featuring Jasika Nicole and Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">right here</a>.</p>

    <p>Check out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> for more information about our show.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_6d7a35d8-d7fa-4da3-8223-c69f994fb922</guid>
        <title>Part 3, Chapter 10: An Ending</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 28 Aug 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>All road trips end.</p>

    <p>Pre-order your copy of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead novel</a>, on sale October 30! And check out our <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">17 city book tour</a> this fall.</p>

    <p>Over on the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>: Dave Watt’s stunning Alice Isn’t Dead road map in three different sizes and Rob Wilson’s logo design on everything from a t-shirt to an enamel pin.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="39507352" />
        <itunes:subtitle>All road trips end.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[All road trips end. Pre-order your copy of the <a href="">Alice Isn’t Dead novel</a>, on sale October 30! And check out our <a href="">17 city book tour</a> this fall. Over on the <a href="">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>: Dave Watt’s stunning Alice Isn’t Dead road map in three different sizes and Rob Wilson’s logo design on everything from a t-shirt to an enamel pin. <a href="">Support Alice Isn’t Dead, Part 3 on Patreon</a> and get behind-the-scenes updates, bonus episodes, and more. Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href=""></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href=""></a>. Part of the <a href="">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="39507352" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>All road trips end.</p>

    <p>Pre-order your copy of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead novel</a>, on sale October 30! And check out our <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">17 city book tour</a> this fall.</p>

    <p>Over on the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>: Dave Watt’s stunning Alice Isn’t Dead road map in three different sizes and Rob Wilson’s logo design on everything from a t-shirt to an enamel pin.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_2214b9ea-2169-417f-86b0-6477700bf26d</guid>
        <title>What's Next</title>
        <pubDate>Wed, 22 Aug 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>A quick update about what’s next for this podcast feed.</p>

    <p>Don’t forget to <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel</a> and check if Joseph Fink is coming to a city near you on his <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">book tour</a>.</p>

    <p>If you’ve enjoyed this podcast and want to show your support, consider donating on our <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Patreon page</a> or buying a t-shirt, poster, or pin from <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">our store</a>.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br>
    <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="1492593" />
        <itunes:subtitle>A quick update about what’s next for this podcast feed.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[A quick update about what’s next for this podcast feed.

    Don’t forget to <a href="" target="_blank">pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel</a> and check if Joseph Fink is coming to a city near you on his <a href="" target="_blank">book tour</a>.

    If you’ve enjoyed this podcast and want to show your support, consider donating on our <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon page</a> or buying a t-shirt, poster, or pin from <a href="" target="_blank">our store</a>.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="1492593" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>A quick update about what’s next for this podcast feed.</p>

    <p>Don’t forget to <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel</a> and check if Joseph Fink is coming to a city near you on his <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">book tour</a>.</p>

    <p>If you’ve enjoyed this podcast and want to show your support, consider donating on our <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Patreon page</a> or buying a t-shirt, poster, or pin from <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">our store</a>.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br>
    <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_746e8c26-dc48-4282-b300-0f484cdcb178</guid>
        <title>Part 3, Chapter 9: Praxis</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 14 Aug 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>It didn’t feel like fear. It felt like movement.</p>

    <p>The Alice Isn’t Dead novel is on sale October 30 – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">pre-order your signed edition today</a>, and <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.</p>

    <p>Over on the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>: a stunning Alice Isn’t Dead road map and Rob Wilson’s logo on an enamel pin.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="36079124" />
        <itunes:subtitle>It didn’t feel like fear. It felt like movement.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[It didn’t feel like fear. It felt like movement. The Alice Isn’t Dead novel is on sale October 30 – <a href="">pre-order your signed edition today</a>, and <a href="">check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall. Over on the <a href="">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a> : a stunning Alice Isn’t Dead road map and Rob Wilson’s logo on an enamel pin. <a href="">Support Alice Isn’t Dead, Part 3 on Patreon</a> and get behind-the-scenes updates, bonus episodes, and more. Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href=""></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href=""></a>. Part of the <a href="">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="36079124" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>It didn’t feel like fear. It felt like movement.</p>

    <p>The Alice Isn’t Dead novel is on sale October 30 – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">pre-order your signed edition today</a>, and <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.</p>

    <p>Over on the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>: a stunning Alice Isn’t Dead road map and Rob Wilson’s logo on an enamel pin.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_07e2feed-365a-402e-b76a-50f401a52b11</guid>
        <title>Part 3, Chapter 8: To Forgive</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 31 Jul 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>I don't know if you deserve forgiveness.</p>

    <p>The Alice Isn’t Dead novel is on sale October 30 – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">pre-order your signed edition today</a>, and <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.</p>

    <p>New on the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>: a stunning Alice Isn’t Dead road map and Rob Wilson’s clever logo on an enamel pin.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="30426976" />
        <itunes:subtitle>I don't know if you deserve forgiveness.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[I don't know if you deserve forgiveness.

    The Alice Isn’t Dead novel is on sale October 30 – <a href="" target="_blank">pre-order your signed edition today</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.

    New on the <a href="" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>: a stunning Alice Isn’t Dead road map and Rob Wilson’s clever logo on an enamel pin.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="30426976" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>I don't know if you deserve forgiveness.</p>

    <p>The Alice Isn’t Dead novel is on sale October 30 – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">pre-order your signed edition today</a>, and <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.</p>

    <p>New on the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>: a stunning Alice Isn’t Dead road map and Rob Wilson’s clever logo on an enamel pin.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_84fd5a5d-6a77-41b4-b6c9-e7a04ac926eb</guid>
        <title>Part 3, Chapter 7: Speakers</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 17 Jul 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Man, this isn’t even close to the weirdest thing.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order a signed edition</a> of the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today. On sale October 30, 2018. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.</p>

    <p>Check out the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>, featuring a brand new Alice Isn’t Dead road map, Rob Wilson’s stunning logo on t-shirts, a poster, and an enamel pin, and our Bay &amp; Creek t-shirt and Thistle hat.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="32830186" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Man, this isn’t even close to the weirdest thing.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Man, this isn’t even close to the weirdest thing.

    <a href="" target="_blank">Pre-order a signed edition</a> of the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today. On sale October 30, 2018. <a href="" target="_blank">Check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.

    Check out the <a href="" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>, featuring a brand new Alice Isn’t Dead road map, Rob Wilson’s stunning logo on t-shirts, a poster, and an enamel pin, and our Bay &amp; Creek t-shirt and Thistle hat.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="32830186" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Man, this isn’t even close to the weirdest thing.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order a signed edition</a> of the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today. On sale October 30, 2018. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.</p>

    <p>Check out the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>, featuring a brand new Alice Isn’t Dead road map, Rob Wilson’s stunning logo on t-shirts, a poster, and an enamel pin, and our Bay &amp; Creek t-shirt and Thistle hat.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_aae27634-5a99-4502-9e37-4c78067da91b</guid>
        <title>Part 3, Chapter 6: This Isn't It</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 03 Jul 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Is this it? (It isn't.)</p>

    <p>Signed editions of the Alice Isn’t Dead novel <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">available for pre-order today</a>. On sale October 30, 2018. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.</p>

    <p>Check out the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>, featuring a brand new Alice Isn’t Dead road map, Rob Wilson’s stunning logo on t-shirts, a poster, and an enamel pin, and our Bay &amp; Creek t-shirt and Thistle hat.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="27561149" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Is this it? (It isn't.)</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Is this it? (It isn't.) Signed editions of the Alice Isn’t Dead novel <a href="">available for pre-order today</a> . On sale October 30, 2018. <a href="">Check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall. Check out the <a href="">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>, featuring a brand new Alice Isn’t Dead road map, Rob Wilson’s stunning logo on t-shirts, a poster, and an enamel pin, and our Bay &amp; Creek t-shirt and Thistle hat. <a href="">Support Alice Isn’t Dead, Part 3 on Patreon</a> and get director’s notes, ad-free episodes, a shoutout in the credits, and more. Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href=""></a> . Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href=""></a> . Part of the <a href="">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="27561149" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Is this it? (It isn't.)</p>

    <p>Signed editions of the Alice Isn’t Dead novel <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">available for pre-order today</a>. On sale October 30, 2018. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.</p>

    <p>Check out the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead store</a>, featuring a brand new Alice Isn’t Dead road map, Rob Wilson’s stunning logo on t-shirts, a poster, and an enamel pin, and our Bay &amp; Creek t-shirt and Thistle hat.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_2994711f-0068-49cf-af32-ff6ce8967382</guid>
        <title>Part 3, Chapter 5: What Happened to Hank Thompson</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 19 Jun 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>The bad is as human as the good.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018. Signed editions now available for pre-order in the U.S. and Canada. Don’t forget to <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.</p>

    <p>New on the store: an <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead road map</a>, featuring roadside attractions from all three seasons. Available in three sizes.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="33464078" />
        <itunes:subtitle>The bad is as human as the good.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[The bad is as human as the good.

    <a href="" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018. Signed editions now available for pre-order in the U.S. and Canada. Don’t forget to <a href="" target="_blank">check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.

    New on the store: an <a href="" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead road map</a>, featuring roadside attractions from all three seasons. Available in three sizes.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="33464078" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>The bad is as human as the good.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018. Signed editions now available for pre-order in the U.S. and Canada. Don’t forget to <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">check out our 17 city book tour</a> this fall.</p>

    <p>New on the store: an <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead road map</a>, featuring roadside attractions from all three seasons. Available in three sizes.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_927b3ac7-d8b5-4b81-97e1-71bf488c8939</guid>
        <title>Part 3, Chapter 4: Three Nights at the Old Motel</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 05 Jun 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Watch out for the locals.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018. Signed editions now available for pre-order in the U.S. and Canada.</p>

    <p>We’re excited to announce that Jasika Nicole will be narrating the Alice Isn’t Dead audiobook! Find out more information about that and our 17 city book tour <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">on our website</a>.</p>

    <p>Bay &amp; Creek t-shirts, Thistle hats, a brand new logo pin, and more <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">available on our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="37533971" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Watch out for the locals.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Watch out for the locals.

    <a href="" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018. Signed editions now available for pre-order in the U.S. and Canada.

    We’re excited to announce that Jasika Nicole will be narrating the Alice Isn’t Dead audiobook! Find out more information about that and our 17 city book tour <a href="" target="_blank">on our website</a>.

    Bay &amp; Creek t-shirts, Thistle hats, a brand new logo pin, and more <a href="" target="_blank">available on our store</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="37533971" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Watch out for the locals.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018. Signed editions now available for pre-order in the U.S. and Canada.</p>

    <p>We’re excited to announce that Jasika Nicole will be narrating the Alice Isn’t Dead audiobook! Find out more information about that and our 17 city book tour <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">on our website</a>.</p>

    <p>Bay &amp; Creek t-shirts, Thistle hats, a brand new logo pin, and more <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">available on our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_f2da8d20-03d2-4ab7-98b9-54c69fbddce1</guid>
        <title>Part 3, Chapter 3: Means of Escape</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 22 May 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>When it's time to leave, do it quickly.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.</p>

    <p>Just announced! <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Our 17 city book tour</a> for the upcoming Alice Isn’t Dead novel.</p>

    <p>Bay &amp; Creek t-shirts, Thistle hats, a brand new logo pin, and more <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">available on our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="34999268" />
        <itunes:subtitle>When it's time to leave, do it quickly.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[When it's time to leave, do it quickly. <a href="">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018. Just announced! <a href="">Our 17 city book tour</a> for the upcoming Alice Isn’t Dead novel. <a href="">Support Alice Isn’t Dead, Part 3 on Patreon</a> and get director’s notes, ad-free episodes, a shoutout in the credits, and more. Bay &amp; Creek t-shirts, Thistle hats, a brand new logo pin, and more <a href="">available on our store</a>. Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href=""></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href=""></a>. Part of the <a href="">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="34999268" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>When it's time to leave, do it quickly.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.</p>

    <p>Just announced! <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Our 17 city book tour</a> for the upcoming Alice Isn’t Dead novel.</p>

    <p>Bay &amp; Creek t-shirts, Thistle hats, a brand new logo pin, and more <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">available on our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_88c86cfd-4f38-450a-980d-064115478af1</guid>
        <title>Part 3, Chapter 2: Surroundings</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 08 May 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>There are oracles on these roads.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.</p>

    <p>Bay &amp; Creek t-shirts, Thistle hats, a brand new logo pin, and more <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">available on our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="29831026" />
        <itunes:subtitle>There are oracles on these roads.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[There are oracles on these roads. <a href="">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018. <a href="">Support Alice Isn’t Dead, Part 3 on Patreon</a> and get director’s notes, ad-free episodes, a shoutout in the credits, and more. Bay &amp; Creek t-shirts, Thistle hats, a brand new logo pin, and more <a href="">available on our store</a>. Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href=""></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href=""></a>. Part of the <a href="">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="29831026" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>There are oracles on these roads.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.</p>

    <p>Bay &amp; Creek t-shirts, Thistle hats, a brand new logo pin, and more <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">available on our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_59022a72-d549-42ec-acea-8ecc28f71f3e</guid>
        <title>Part 3, Chapter 1: Cause and Effect</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 24 Apr 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Causality is a tricky thing.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.</p>

    <p>Brand new <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead logo pin</a> now available on the store.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="29489977" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Causality is a tricky thing.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Causality is a tricky thing.

    <a href="" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.

    Brand new <a href="" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead logo pin</a> now available on the store.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="29489977" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Causality is a tricky thing.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.</p>

    <p>Brand new <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead logo pin</a> now available on the store.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_ccb97e63-dd51-4572-8062-c2324efc3882</guid>
        <title>(3) Los Angeles, California</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 10 Apr 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Our special, one-off live episode as performed by Jasika Nicole and Disparition in Los Angeles on April 5, 2018.</p>

    <p>Part Three starts on April 24th.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.</p>

    <p>Brand new <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead logo pin</a> now available on the store.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="52764283" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Our special, one-off live episode as performed by Jasika Nicole and Disparition in Los Angeles on April 5, 2018.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Our special, one-off live episode as performed by Jasika Nicole and Disparition in Los Angeles on April 5, 2018.

    Part Three starts on April 24th.

    <a href="" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.

    Brand new <a href="" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead logo pin</a> now available on the store.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="52764283" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Our special, one-off live episode as performed by Jasika Nicole and Disparition in Los Angeles on April 5, 2018.</p>

    <p>Part Three starts on April 24th.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.</p>

    <p>Brand new <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Alice Isn’t Dead logo pin</a> now available on the store.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_98e536cc-b3ba-4612-9c94-4893d64ab9aa</guid>
        <title>(2) Mérida, Yucatán</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 03 Apr 2018 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>I know I have a lot to answer for. And I will. I’ll answer for it all.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn’t Dead, Part 3. Special episode on April 10th. Chapter One on April 24th.<br>
    <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Get tickets to our live show on April 5th in Los Angeles.</a></p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="5891792" />
        <itunes:title>(2) Mérida, Yucatán</itunes:title>
        <itunes:subtitle>I know I have a lot to answer for. And I will. I’ll answer for it all.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[I know I have a lot to answer for. And I will. I’ll answer for it all.

    Alice Isn’t Dead, Part 3. Special episode on April 10th. Chapter One on April 24th.

    <a href="" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.

    <a href="" target="_blank">Get tickets to our live show on April 5th in Los Angeles.</a>

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="5891792" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>I know I have a lot to answer for. And I will. I’ll answer for it all.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn’t Dead, Part 3. Special episode on April 10th. Chapter One on April 24th.<br>
    <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order the Alice Isn’t Dead novel today.</a> On sale October 30, 2018.</p>

    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Get tickets to our live show on April 5th in Los Angeles.</a></p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Erica Livingston. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_dc8346f4-bd1b-453f-a0ac-f074c9712b6c</guid>
        <title>(1) Perth, Western Australia</title>
        <pubDate>Mon, 26 Mar 2018 18:06:08 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>There are many places I'll never go.<br>
    Alice Isn't Dead returns with Part 3 this April.<br>
    Read the first chapter of the Alice Isn't Dead novel at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Entertainment Weekly</a>.<br>
    <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order Alice Isn’t Dead: A Novel today</a>. On-sale October 30, 2018.</p>

    <p>See Alice Isn’t Dead live in Los Angeles on April 5th. Don’t miss this rare chance to see us perform a never-before-heard script. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Tickets available now</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="6713104" />
        <itunes:subtitle>There are many places I'll never go.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[There are many places I'll never go. Alice Isn't Dead returns with Part 3 this April. Read the first chapter of the Alice Isn't Dead novel exclusively at <a href="">Entertainment Weekly</a>. <a href="">Pre-order Alice Isn’t Dead: A Novel today</a>. On-sale October 30, 2018. See Alice Isn’t Dead live in Los Angeles on April 5th. Don’t miss this rare chance to see us perform a never-before-heard script. <a href="">Tickets available now</a>. Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href=""></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href=""></a>. Part of the <a href="">Night Vale Presents </a>network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="6713104" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>There are many places I'll never go.<br>
    Alice Isn't Dead returns with Part 3 this April.<br>
    Read the first chapter of the Alice Isn't Dead novel at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Entertainment Weekly</a>.<br>
    <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pre-order Alice Isn’t Dead: A Novel today</a>. On-sale October 30, 2018.</p>

    <p>See Alice Isn’t Dead live in Los Angeles on April 5th. Don’t miss this rare chance to see us perform a never-before-heard script. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Tickets available now</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents </a>network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">prx_134_a7c00e4e-4cd5-4bb7-8c4e-0b6f35c0a93e</guid>
        <title>Live show and Season 3 update</title>
        <pubDate>Mon, 26 Feb 2018 17:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>See Alice Isn’t Dead live at Largo in Los Angeles on April 5th, 2018. This live show is a completely stand-alone story for both fans of the podcast and people who don’t know what a podcast is but read a lot of Stephen King and Neil Gaiman. Buy tickets: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a> for updates and a bit of roadside America in your feed. Sign up for the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents mailing list</a> for updates on all of our shows.<br>
    <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="1490522" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Come see us at the Largo in Los Angeles on April 5th.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[See Alice Isn’t Dead live at Largo in Los Angeles on April 5th, 2018. This live show is a completely stand-alone story for both fans of the podcast and people who don’t know what a podcast is but read a lot of Stephen King and Neil Gaiman. Buy tickets: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a> for updates and a bit of roadside America in your feed. Sign up for the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents mailing list</a> for updates on all of our shows.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="1490522" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>See Alice Isn’t Dead live at Largo in Los Angeles on April 5th, 2018. This live show is a completely stand-alone story for both fans of the podcast and people who don’t know what a podcast is but read a lot of Stephen King and Neil Gaiman. Buy tickets: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a> for updates and a bit of roadside America in your feed. Sign up for the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents mailing list</a> for updates on all of our shows.<br>
    <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">5b3ed2bb4c5b7573e48a2e6a836945cf</guid>
        <title>I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats, Episode 1: The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton</title>
        <pubDate>Thu, 12 Oct 2017 19:59:44 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>NOTE: This is the only episode of <em>I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats</em> that we will post on the <em>Alice Isn't Dead</em> feed. If you'd like to continue listening, please subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts. </p>

    <p>John Darnielle and Joseph Fink discuss the role in their lives of art, faith, and satan with John Green, author of <em>The Fault in Our Stars</em> and the upcoming <em>Turtles All The Way Down</em>. And we learn why making the job of creating art more difficult can sometimes make the art itself better. Premiering a new cover by Laura Jane Grace of Against Me!</p>

    <p>Buy Laura Jane Grace’s cover of “The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton” here: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Learn more about John Darnielle’s two novels here: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>Listen to more music by the Mountain Goats, including their latest album <em>Goths</em>, here: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Check out Joseph Fink’s other shows, Welcome to Night Vale (<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>) and Alice Isn’t Dead (<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>). His second novel with Jeffrey Cranor, <em>It Devours!</em>, is out October 17: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Credits: Joseph Fink (host), John Darnielle (host), Christy Gressman (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo). Produced by Night Vale Presents in collaboration with Merge Records and the Mountain Goats.<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="36659996" />
        <itunes:title>I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats, Episode 1: The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton</itunes:title>
        <itunes:subtitle>NOTE: This is the only episode of I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats that we will post on the Alice Isn't Dead feed. If you'd like to continue listening, please subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[NOTE: This is the only episode of I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats that we will post on the Alice Isn't Dead feed. If you'd like to continue listening, please subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts. 

    John Darnielle and Joseph Fink discuss the role in their lives of art, faith, and satan with John Green, author of The Fault in Our Stars and the upcoming Turtles All The Way Down. And we learn why making the job of creating art more difficult can sometimes make the art itself better. Premiering a new cover by Laura Jane Grace of Against Me!

    Buy Laura Jane Grace’s cover of “The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton” here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Learn more about John Darnielle’s two novels here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>Listen to more music by the Mountain Goats, including their latest album Goths, here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Check out Joseph Fink’s other shows, Welcome to Night Vale (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) and Alice Isn’t Dead (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>). His second novel with Jeffrey Cranor, It Devours!, is out October 17: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Credits: Joseph Fink (host), John Darnielle (host), Christy Gressman (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo). Produced by Night Vale Presents in collaboration with Merge Records and the Mountain Goats.<a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" target="_blank"></a>]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="36659996" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>NOTE: This is the only episode of <em>I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats</em> that we will post on the <em>Alice Isn't Dead</em> feed. If you'd like to continue listening, please subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts. </p>

    <p>John Darnielle and Joseph Fink discuss the role in their lives of art, faith, and satan with John Green, author of <em>The Fault in Our Stars</em> and the upcoming <em>Turtles All The Way Down</em>. And we learn why making the job of creating art more difficult can sometimes make the art itself better. Premiering a new cover by Laura Jane Grace of Against Me!</p>

    <p>Buy Laura Jane Grace’s cover of “The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton” here: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Learn more about John Darnielle’s two novels here: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>Listen to more music by the Mountain Goats, including their latest album <em>Goths</em>, here: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Check out Joseph Fink’s other shows, Welcome to Night Vale (<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>) and Alice Isn’t Dead (<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>). His second novel with Jeffrey Cranor, <em>It Devours!</em>, is out October 17: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Credits: Joseph Fink (host), John Darnielle (host), Christy Gressman (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo). Produced by Night Vale Presents in collaboration with Merge Records and the Mountain Goats.<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">0e14009d7fb6397292a61767eeab4518</guid>
        <title>NIGHT VALE PRESENTS: Fall 2017 Trailers</title>
        <pubDate>Fri, 15 Sep 2017 22:14:20 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>We're excited to share Night Vale Presents' fall 2017 season! We're launching two brand new shows — I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats and It Makes A Sound — and the second season of Within the Wires, each of which offers a unique perspective on art and storytelling. Check out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> for more information, and subscribe to them in your favorite podcast app today to get each new episode as it comes out.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="11485523" />
        <itunes:title>NIGHT VALE PRESENTS: Fall 2017 Trailers</itunes:title>
        <itunes:subtitle>We're excited to share Night Vale Presents' fall 2017 season!</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[We're excited to share Night Vale Presents’ fall 2017 season! We're launching two brand new shows — I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats and It Makes A Sound — and the second season of Within the Wires, each of which offers a unique perspective on art and storytelling. Check out for more information, and subscribe to them in your favorite podcast app today to get each new episode as it comes out.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="11485523" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>We're excited to share Night Vale Presents' fall 2017 season! We're launching two brand new shows — I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats and It Makes A Sound — and the second season of Within the Wires, each of which offers a unique perspective on art and storytelling. Check out <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> for more information, and subscribe to them in your favorite podcast app today to get each new episode as it comes out.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">35983129d8d33acc4bc67c52797d21c1</guid>
        <title>Part 2, Chapter 10: Why Am I Alive?</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 08 Aug 2017 12:24:10 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Did I know from the first time I saw you Alice? It feels like I did.</p>

    <p>Support our show while looking great and feeling great with Alice shirts and hats! <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>

    <p>See you in 2018 with Part 3.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="37300270" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Did I know from the first time I saw you Alice? It feels like I did.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Did I know from the first time I saw you Alice? It feels like I did.

    Support our show while looking great and feeling great with Alice shirts and hats! <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.

    See you in 2018 with Part 3.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="37300270" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Did I know from the first time I saw you Alice? It feels like I did.</p>

    <p>Support our show while looking great and feeling great with Alice shirts and hats! <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>

    <p>See you in 2018 with Part 3.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">2611297680e659d96b40ac3a65a78f69</guid>
        <title>Part 2, Chapter 9: Prey</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 25 Jul 2017 12:52:06 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>A question is raised; a decision is made.</p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="35934159" />
        <itunes:subtitle>A question is raised; a decision is made.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[A question is raised; a decision is made.

    Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="35934159" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>A question is raised; a decision is made.</p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">17e0315e40f32a83b3847cb2467dd4eb</guid>
        <title>Part 2, Chapter 8: Absent Family</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 11 Jul 2017 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>The return to a certain abandoned house.</p>

    <p>Brand new! Bay and Creek shirts and Thistle trucker hats, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="31239650" />
        <itunes:subtitle>The return to a certain abandoned house.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[The return to a certain abandoned house.

    Brand new! Bay and Creek shirts and Thistle trucker hats, available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="31239650" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>The return to a certain abandoned house.</p>

    <p>Brand new! Bay and Creek shirts and Thistle trucker hats, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">2e628663436aad2384cabfe350f0a500</guid>
        <title>Part 2, Chapter 7: The Monk of Crystal Springs</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 27 Jun 2017 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Once a man lived at the Crystal Springs Rest Area. He doesn't live there anymore.</p>

    <p>Brand new! Bay and Creek shirts and Thistle trucker hats, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="35744846" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Once a man lived at the Crystal Springs Rest Area. He doesn't live there anymore.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Once a man lived at the Crystal Springs Rest Area. He doesn't live there anymore.

    Brand new! Bay and Creek shirts and Thistle trucker hats, available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="35744846" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Once a man lived at the Crystal Springs Rest Area. He doesn't live there anymore.</p>

    <p>Brand new! Bay and Creek shirts and Thistle trucker hats, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">405efd47fab68f61c6c53cd3db160db3</guid>
        <title>Part 2, Chapter 6: Badwater</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 13 Jun 2017 12:25:35 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Two voices in a desert.</p>

    <p>Brand new! Bay and Creek shirts and Thistle trucker hats, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="32079743" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Two voices in a desert.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Two voices in a desert.

    Brand new! Bay and Creek shirts and Thistle trucker hats, available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="32079743" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Two voices in a desert.</p>

    <p>Brand new! Bay and Creek shirts and Thistle trucker hats, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">14545e65af08ee8101c280db51d96065</guid>
        <title>Part 2, Chapter 5: Taconic</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 30 May 2017 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Sylvia investigates her mother's murder.</p>

    <p>Brand new! Bay and Creek shirts and Thistle trucker hats, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>See the second ever Alice Isn't Dead live show at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="34168702" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Sylvia investigates her mother's murder.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Sylvia investigates her mother's murder.

    Brand new! Bay and Creek shirts and Thistle trucker hats, available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    See the second ever Alice Isn't Dead live show at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="34168702" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Sylvia investigates her mother's murder.</p>

    <p>Brand new! Bay and Creek shirts and Thistle trucker hats, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>See the second ever Alice Isn't Dead live show at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">b8033178dcff44e2dc95887ded74b44c</guid>
        <title>Part 2, Chapter 4: Chain</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 16 May 2017 04:17:53 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Each Kmart sign looks like each Kmart sign; every Subway sandwich tastes the same.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters, featuring the beautiful skull/truck logo, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="34679654" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Each Kmart sign looks like each Kmart sign; every Subway sandwich tastes the same.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Each Kmart sign looks like each Kmart sign; every Subway sandwich tastes the same.

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters, featuring the beautiful skull/truck logo, available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="34679654" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Each Kmart sign looks like each Kmart sign; every Subway sandwich tastes the same.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters, featuring the beautiful skull/truck logo, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">5f3d376f7df6b27802f3b2941c13be31</guid>
        <title>Part 2, Chapter 3: Abandoned Places</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 02 May 2017 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>What waits in the abandoned places?</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters, featuring the beautiful skull/truck logo, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="33401965" />
        <itunes:subtitle>What waits in the abandoned places?</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[What waits in the abandoned places?

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters, featuring the beautiful skull/truck logo, available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="33401965" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>What waits in the abandoned places?</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters, featuring the beautiful skull/truck logo, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">e59d4a67268ae4d1e49c4de534ae7a11</guid>
        <title>Part 2, Chapter 2: Mouth of the Water</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2017 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>A mystery at the mouth of a river.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters, featuring the beautiful skull/truck logo, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="39357885" />
        <itunes:subtitle>A mystery at the mouth of a river.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[A mystery at the mouth of a river.

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters, featuring the beautiful skull/truck logo, available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="39357885" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>A mystery at the mouth of a river.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters, featuring the beautiful skull/truck logo, available at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">fe03709ff98157ee8a041ca32de1c426</guid>
        <title>Part 2, Chapter 1: The Last Free Place</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 04 Apr 2017 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>A dangerous meeting in the last free place.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="35890288" />
        <itunes:subtitle>A dangerous meeting in the last free place.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[A dangerous meeting in the last free place.

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.

    Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="35890288" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>A dangerous meeting in the last free place.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Get some roadside America in your timeline. Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">0a1a14e388cf665607c36326d12289a4</guid>
        <title>(1) Haugen, Montana</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 28 Mar 2017 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Bonus episode: Allow me to introduce myself.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead returns with Part 2. New episodes every other Tuesday starting April 4.</p>

    <p>Twitter Q&amp;A with show creator Joseph Fink March 31: 11 am – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">@AlicePodcast</a>, tag questions with #AliceIsntDead</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Roberta Colindrez. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="4944654" />
        <itunes:title>(1) Haugen, Montana</itunes:title>
        <itunes:subtitle>Bonus episode: Allow me to introduce myself.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Bonus episode: Allow me to introduce myself.

    Alice Isn't Dead returns with Part 2. New episodes every other Tuesday starting April 4.

    Twitter Q&amp;A with show creator Joseph Fink March 31: 11 am – <a href="" target="_blank">@AlicePodcast</a>, tag questions with #AliceIsntDead

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Roberta Colindrez. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="4944654" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Bonus episode: Allow me to introduce myself.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead returns with Part 2. New episodes every other Tuesday starting April 4.</p>

    <p>Twitter Q&amp;A with show creator Joseph Fink March 31: 11 am – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">@AlicePodcast</a>, tag questions with #AliceIsntDead</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Roberta Colindrez. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">0f1e0283d498f9aaba6959140e70e62a</guid>
        <title>(2) Fremont, Washington</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 21 Mar 2017 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Bonus Episode: A vision under a bridge.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead returns with Part 2. New episodes every other Tuesday starting April 4.</p>

    <p>Twitter Q&amp;A with show creator Joseph Fink March 31: 11 am – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">@AlicePodcast</a>, tag questions with #AliceIsntDead</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="9815219" />
        <itunes:title>(2) Fremont, Washington</itunes:title>
        <itunes:subtitle>Bonus Episode: A vision under a bridge.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Bonus Episode: A vision under a bridge.

    Alice Isn't Dead returns with Part 2. New episodes every other Tuesday starting April 4.

    Twitter Q&amp;A with show creator Joseph Fink March 31: 11 am – <a href="" target="_blank">@AlicePodcast</a>, tag questions with #AliceIsntDead

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="9815219" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Bonus Episode: A vision under a bridge.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead returns with Part 2. New episodes every other Tuesday starting April 4.</p>

    <p>Twitter Q&amp;A with show creator Joseph Fink March 31: 11 am – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">@AlicePodcast</a>, tag questions with #AliceIsntDead</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">2d1cae35db1731a69fbd7daba69e56f7</guid>
        <title>(3) North Rim, Arizona</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 14 Mar 2017 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Bonus Episode: A cold morning at the Grand Canyon.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead returns with Part 2. New episodes every other Tuesday starting April 4.</p>

    <p>Twitter Q&amp;A with show creator Joseph Fink March 31: 11 am – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">@AlicePodcast</a>, tag questions with #AliceIsntDead</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="9694114" />
        <itunes:title>(3) North Rim, Arizona</itunes:title>
        <itunes:subtitle>Bonus Episode: A cold morning at the Grand Canyon.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Bonus Episode: A cold morning at the Grand Canyon.

    Alice Isn't Dead returns with Part 2. New episodes every other Tuesday starting April 4.

    Twitter Q&amp;A with show creator Joseph Fink March 31: 11 am – <a href="" target="_blank">@AlicePodcast</a>, tag questions with #AliceIsntDead

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="9694114" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Bonus Episode: A cold morning at the Grand Canyon.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead returns with Part 2. New episodes every other Tuesday starting April 4.</p>

    <p>Twitter Q&amp;A with show creator Joseph Fink March 31: 11 am – <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">@AlicePodcast</a>, tag questions with #AliceIsntDead</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>. Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">c27c0cc227530d4afc635b51fbf84524</guid>
        <title>Within the Wires: Relaxation Cassette #1</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 19 Jul 2016 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Cassette #1: Stress, Shoulders</p>


    <p>NOTE: This is the only episode of <em>Within the Wires</em> that we will post on the <em>Alice Isn't Dead</em> feed. If you'd like to continue listening to all 10 episodes of this podcast, please subscribe in your favorite podcast app.</p>

    <p><em>Within the Wires</em> T-Shirts and Posters are now available, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Music: Mary Epworth, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Written by Jeffrey Cranor and Janina Matthewson. Performed by Janina Matthewson.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Part of the Night Vale Presents network. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Â </p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="24370480" />
        <itunes:title>Within the Wires: Relaxation Cassette #1</itunes:title>
        <itunes:subtitle>Cassette #1: Stress, Shoulders</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Cassette #1: Stress, Shoulders


    NOTE: This is the only episode of Within the Wires that we will post on the Alice Isn't Dead feed. If you'd like to continue listening to all 10 episodes of this podcast, please subscribe in your favorite podcast app.

    Within the Wires T-Shirts and Posters are now available, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Music: Mary Epworth, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Written by Jeffrey Cranor and Janina Matthewson. Performed by Janina Matthewson.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Part of the Night Vale Presents network. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Â ]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="24370480" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Cassette #1: Stress, Shoulders</p>


    <p>NOTE: This is the only episode of <em>Within the Wires</em> that we will post on the <em>Alice Isn't Dead</em> feed. If you'd like to continue listening to all 10 episodes of this podcast, please subscribe in your favorite podcast app.</p>

    <p><em>Within the Wires</em> T-Shirts and Posters are now available, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Music: Mary Epworth, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Written by Jeffrey Cranor and Janina Matthewson. Performed by Janina Matthewson.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Part of the Night Vale Presents network. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Â </p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">3b70e44b05c922703ae11bcf7c44fd81</guid>
        <title>Part 1, Chapter 10: Thistle</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 12 Jul 2016 06:29:23 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>Season finale. The end of one search, and the start of another.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="51527385" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Season finale. The end of one search, and the start of another.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Season finale. The end of one search, and the start of another.

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="51527385" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>Season finale. The end of one search, and the start of another.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">5c2f778af0fffb75565fe1e3e4c18563</guid>
        <title>Part 1, Chapter 9: Go Home Again</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 28 Jun 2016 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>She goes home. But something is waiting there for her.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="29948156" />
        <itunes:subtitle>She goes home. But something is waiting there for her.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[She goes home. But something is waiting there for her.

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="29948156" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>She goes home. But something is waiting there for her.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">22a78f71e68dcb60880a38057c147d66</guid>
        <title>New Podcast Teaser: WITHIN THE WIRES</title>
        <pubDate>Sat, 18 Jun 2016 02:51:39 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p><em>Within the Wires</em>, a new serial fiction podcast from the team behind <em>Welcome to Night Vale</em> and <em>Alice Isn't Dead</em>. New episodes every other Tuesday from June 21 through October 25.</p>

    <p>Music: Mary Epworth, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Written by Jeffrey Cranor and Janina Matthewson. Performed by Janina Matthewson.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Part of the Night Vale Presents network. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="2479764" />
        <itunes:subtitle>Within the Wires, a new serial fiction podcast from the team behind Welcome to Night Vale and Alice Isn't Dead.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Within the Wires, a new serial fiction podcast from the team behind Welcome to Night Vale and Alice Isn't Dead. New episodes every other Tuesday from June 21 through October 25.

    Music: Mary Epworth, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Written by Jeffrey Cranor and Janina Matthewson. Performed by Janina Matthewson.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Part of the Night Vale Presents network. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="2479764" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p><em>Within the Wires</em>, a new serial fiction podcast from the team behind <em>Welcome to Night Vale</em> and <em>Alice Isn't Dead</em>. New episodes every other Tuesday from June 21 through October 25.</p>

    <p>Music: Mary Epworth, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Written by Jeffrey Cranor and Janina Matthewson. Performed by Janina Matthewson.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

    <p>Part of the Night Vale Presents network. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">4ab31c6a29944aa17307a137f9c108ad</guid>
        <title>Part 1, Chapter 8: The Other Town</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 14 Jun 2016 03:58:23 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>What is happening in Victorville, CA?</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="36616278" />
        <itunes:subtitle>What is happening in Victorville, CA?</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[What is happening in Victorville, CA?

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="36616278" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>What is happening in Victorville, CA?</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">748c826aa4c66d02c3201e3f4eb086f9</guid>
        <title>Part 1, Chapter 7: Let's Break into a Police Station</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 31 May 2016 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>They break into a police station.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>

    <p>Â </p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="34423893" />
        <itunes:subtitle>They break into a police station.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[They break into a police station.

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.

    Â ]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="34423893" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>They break into a police station.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>

    <p>Â </p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">1b6377510a7b1a00c7952d037e1cae39</guid>
        <title>Part 1, Chapter 6: Sylvia</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 17 May 2016 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>A passenger leads her far from where she planned to go.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="34883411" />
        <itunes:subtitle>A passenger leads her far from where she planned to go.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[A passenger leads her far from where she planned to go.

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="34883411" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>A passenger leads her far from where she planned to go.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">73e9ae507c1fcf103fb4a49ab2f9d56d</guid>
        <title>Part 1, Chapter 5: Signs &amp; Wonders</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 03 May 2016 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>The billboards have something to tell us.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">NightValePresents</a> network.</p>

    <p>Â </p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="37767965" />
        <itunes:subtitle>The billboards have something to tell us.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[The billboards have something to tell us.

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">NightValePresents</a> network.

    Â ]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="37767965" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>The billboards have something to tell us.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">NightValePresents</a> network.</p>

    <p>Â </p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">7a066885d1ca007a90d08ec147b957bb</guid>
        <title>Part 1, Chapter 4: The Factory by the Sea</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 19 Apr 2016 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>A delivery in Florida turns strange.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="30129978" />
        <itunes:subtitle>A delivery in Florida turns strange.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[A delivery in Florida turns strange.

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="30129978" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>A delivery in Florida turns strange.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">7b8c829f45381e37600b03c5d281e4a0</guid>
        <title>Part 1, Chapter 3: Nothing to See</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 05 Apr 2016 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>What was that sound in the trailer just now?</p>

    <p>Pre-order the first two volumes of Night Vale episodes with behind the scenes commentary and illustrations:Â <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="29785153" />
        <itunes:subtitle>What was that sound in the trailer just now?</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[What was that sound in the trailer just now?

    Pre-order the first two volumes of Night Vale episodes with behind the scenes commentary and illustrations:Â <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="29785153" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>What was that sound in the trailer just now?</p>

    <p>Pre-order the first two volumes of Night Vale episodes with behind the scenes commentary and illustrations:Â <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">3e0cfcde0feab2f5f939174949cf2771</guid>
        <title>Part 1, Chapter 2: Alice</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 22 Mar 2016 04:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>What is happening in the town of Charlatan?</p>

    <p><em>Alice Isn't Dead</em> t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="31430231" />
        <itunes:subtitle>What is happening in the town of Charlatan?</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[What is happening in the town of Charlatan?

    Alice Isn't Dead t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="31430231" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>What is happening in the town of Charlatan?</p>

    <p><em>Alice Isn't Dead</em> t-shirts &amp; posters <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">now available in our store</a>.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">4aa5583ea34a370be4754b2e2f8d14cb</guid>
        <title>Part 1, Chapter 1: Omelet</title>
        <pubDate>Tue, 08 Mar 2016 05:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p>A conversation in a diner gets ugly.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="27605931" />
        <itunes:subtitle>A conversation in a diner gets ugly.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[A conversation in a diner gets ugly.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="27605931" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p>A conversation in a diner gets ugly.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">d41394e5f0df452bec6e8853b35c4ccd</guid>
        <title>Alice Isn't Dead - Teaser</title>
        <pubDate>Mon, 29 Feb 2016 18:15:54 -0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[<p><em>Alice Isn't Dead</em>, a new serial fiction podcast from the team behind <em>Welcome to Night Vale</em>. New episodes every other Tuesday from March 8 through July 12. Subscribe now on your favorite podcatcher.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>
        <enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" length="1895992" />
        <itunes:title>Alice Isn't Dead - Teaser</itunes:title>
        <itunes:subtitle>Alice Isn't Dead, a new serial fiction podcast from the team behind Welcome to Night Vale.</itunes:subtitle>
        <author>[email protected] (Night Vale Presents)</author>
        <itunes:author>Night Vale Presents</itunes:author>
            <![CDATA[Alice Isn't Dead, a new serial fiction podcast from the team behind Welcome to Night Vale. New episodes every other Tuesday from March 8 through July 12. Subscribe now on your favorite podcatcher.

    Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.

    Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.]]>
        <itunes:image href="" />
        <media:content fileSize="1895992" type="audio/mpeg" url="" />
            <![CDATA[<p><em>Alice Isn't Dead</em>, a new serial fiction podcast from the team behind <em>Welcome to Night Vale</em>. New episodes every other Tuesday from March 8 through July 12. Subscribe now on your favorite podcatcher.</p>

    <p>Music &amp; Production: Disparition, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Written by Joseph Fink. Narrated by Jasika Nicole.</p>

    <p>Logo by Rob Wilson, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

    <p>Part of the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Night Vale Presents</a> network.</p>]]>

AdaRoseCannon avatar Jun 09 '20 11:06 AdaRoseCannon