devise-api copied to clipboard
The devise-api gem is a convenient way to add authentication to your Ruby on Rails application using the devise gem. It provides support for access tokens and refresh tokens, which allow you to authen...
Has anyone tried to set up "Forgot Password"/"Reset Password" functionality with devise-api?
1. I have an existing web app with devise, and user login via a UI 2. I want to enable APIs for the existing codebase 3. Does this gem support...
The Devise gem allows to use different authentication_keys instead of the "email" field. This change (zhaknafein/devise-api@bb8057994632c93db74ab5ba006e5b81f56479b3) will make devise-api follow the same configuration as Devise. Sorry for the missing translations...
When issuing the example curl call: `curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "123456" }' I do get a response of: {"token":"xmRbTRpBxbCkyN9Rgzs6_usJTb_wFnB7qL36fioh5bTLa8XAQTwca-12vz3P","refresh_token":"eigFtc3nPqTR41KJh7ktRiCtVqsM6n4izBx6yzNzqKjURyZ9vqz7McRbunSf","expires_in":3600,"token_type":"Bearer","resource_owner":{"id":2,"email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2023-02-24T22:12:38.043Z","updated_at":"2023-02-24T22:12:38.043Z"}}` But, the...
```ruby Devise.setup do |config| config.mailer_sender = '[email protected]' require 'devise/orm/mongoid' config.case_insensitive_keys = [:email] config.strip_whitespace_keys = [:email] config.skip_session_storage = [:http_auth] config.reconfirmable = true config.expire_all_remember_me_on_sign_out = true config.responder.error_status = :unprocessable_entity config.responder.redirect_status = :see_other...
Remove extra argument in before_refresh callback
Greetings. I implemented devise's email confirmation on my app, which is an _api only_ app and I also use `devise-api` in order to bring it to life. The problem is...
After defining a customized controller for `TokensController` like the below: And setting the route to the new controller: Then it cannot find the sign_in method: But other routes work fine...
Hey, do you know if this works together? omniauth-google-oauth2 and devise-api have some problems with the CERF token with api only ( at the moment not using devise-api)