Neil Ireson
Neil Ireson
As a work around... Copy the MapMatching class -> MyMapMatching add the variables with their getters/setters private double minDistanceBetweenObservations = 50.0; private double searchWithinRadius = 50.0; private double emissionProbabilitySigma =...
Add methods to create non-tableized automaton. These are slower but require much less memory. The default method still creates a tableized automaton so there is no impact on legacy code.
A bunch o' changes, mainly: 1) Add multithreaded make to MultiPatternAutomaton (this is set as the default) 2) MultiPatternSearcher next() only finds matches, moved all finding of pattern start and...
@fulmicoton I would have liked to created different PRs but every time attempted to create a new PR it just appended it to my original one. I will attempt to...
@aantix Unfortunately there is an exponential growth in the time taken to create the multiregexp automaton. Most of my “patterns” are actually just simple strings so it was only taking...
@JakobMiksch Did you ever publish your code mentioned above (, I have look for it but with out success. I'd be interested in looking at using it as a starting...
I've added a fix to my fork (, where if the pattern startsWith the specified exceptions (i.e. ".*", "^") then the prefix is not added. However the fork also contains...
Firstly, thanks very much for providing this code, it's very cool. OK I've added all my current commits to the Pull Request. To be honest I've been using SVN for...
I could use Aho-Corasick, do you think it would be faster? Multiregexp offers some advantages. One use case is person names where I use the patterns " Smith " John...