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Beavertron - a Beaver Builder Starter Child Theme for the Beaver Builder Theme with WooCommerce Customizer Options
Starter Child Theme for Beaver Builder Theme 1.7.
(Previous Starter for 1.6 available here )
This is a starter child theme that requires the parent Beaver Builder Theme.
WordPress Head Clean Up
Several WordPress unecessary scripts including emoji styles have been removed
Child Theme Class - FLChildTheme
- /classes/class-fl-child-theme.php contains all CSS and Javascript files for enqueing, some are enqueued others are commented out, here is where you add all the styles and scripts.
Folder Structure - includes-child
At the top of functions.php there a number of include files that you can comment/uncomment for adding functionality. The folder they are pulled from is includes-child as the includes folder is only used for parent theme overrides
/includes-child/beaverbuilder.php BeaverBuilder plugin functionality:
- includes a font system stack, there is one already in the theme - this is for the BB plugin.,
- a filter for global BB settings, change media break points to be 767px small, 1024px medium and 1200px large,
- filter to remove lightbox.
- filter to remove empty field connections, filters to disable inline-editing and BB notifications.
- filter for adding colour presets to Customizer and BB plugin color pickers.
/includes-child/client-file.php a miscellaneous area for things like:
- client logo for login
- removing Dashboard widgets including Gutenberg nags
- add ACF Pro license
/includes-child/customizer.php contains all the Customizer options.
/includes-child/gravity.php Gravity forms functionality
/includes-child/mobile-menu-removal.php remove default mobile menu
/includes-child/output.php renders the Customizer options CSS
/includes-child/woocommerce/woocommerce.php contains all the woocommerce functionality, commented out snippets included - only enabled if WooCommerce plugin is active
/includes-child/woocommerce/customize-woo.php all the Woo customizer fields
/includes-child/woocommerce/woo.css WooCommerce CSS
Folder Structure - includes
These are straight parent theme overrides
- /includes/copyright.php override copyright credit line
- /includes/post-bottom-meta.php removed comments from bottom meta, added span tags around cats and tags with CSS classes for more control over styling
- /includes/post-top-meta.php removed author data and comment fontawesome icon
- index.php has been overridden and sits in the Child Theme root - difference being it has the numeric WordPress pagination in use - ref - also the archive_page_header function has been moved to inside the main content block.
- /includes/archive-header.php will output category/tag description if it exists.
- Added a 'blog-feature' image at 300x200
- Re-added Medium 300x300 with hard crop
- Added filter to allow Beaver Builder recognise added custom image sizes
- Removed default WordPress 'medium_large' image size - other defaults can be removed by uncommenting
- Function added to allow SVG image uploads to Media Library.
- Image uploads add their file name as alt and title attributes
Custom Logo
- Custom Logo is supported via the Customizer in the panel Settings > Site Identity > Logo, default size is 300x100px which you can change in the add_theme_support('custom-logo') array in functions.php
- The logo can support the SVG format.
- SVGs are set to be allowed for upload by the constant 'ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS' declared in functions.php
- The main purpose of the Custom Logo is to allow for its use via a header created with Beaver Themer - if you are using the Beaver Theme to create the header then the default Header panel > Header Logo section is preferred to use.
More info here -
- Extra WooCommerce settings for button and alert colors have been added to the default WooCommerce panel, they only appear if WooCommerce is active.
- WooCommerce Customizer options
- set amount of products on Shop / Archive,
- change text on variation dropdown,
- change text on order received screen,
- remove review, description, additional tabs,
- remove breadcrumbs,
- remove single product meta,
- remove related products from single product page
- Button Hover Color and Padding added in panel General > Buttons
- Additional Customizer settings are output via wp_add_inline_style to the child theme CSS
- Added panel 'Featured Images' with 'Hero Background' field - not actively used.
- List of all Panels and Sections which can be removed from view by uncommenting the code in the customizer.php file.
- Added a custom preset 'BT Preset' this is the preferred and only preset.
- BT Preset is set as always active with set_theme_mod this can be removed from includes-child/customizer.php
- Removed all other presets.
- Set Preset defaults in includes-child/customizer-filter.php
- Added a filter to change the values for the 'BT Preset' 'fl_default_theme_mods'
- Body font and headings set in Customizer with a default font system stack similar to Github.
- Same above system font stack available from within BB modules font dropdowns.
- Beaver Builder button snippet
- Meta styling with FontAwesome 5
- Sticky Footer styling with flexbox - also have the BB knowledgebase one which is commented out.
- Pagination CSS for numeric style as used in child theme index.php
- Various CSS snippets
- PHP is disabled to execute in widget areas
- Shortcode enabled in widget areas
- Author name removed in Post Meta for posts
- Meta has default icon styling
- Separate CSS Styling for Business Profile plugin
- FontAwesome 5 enabled
- Select2 JS and CSS files included, uncomment in classes/class-fl-child-theme.php
- Remove Dashboard Widgets in Admin
Change the Theme Name
- Find in files and replace
with your name and prefix.
Download the zip rename the theme 'beavertron' - place this theme in your WordPress installation "/wp-content/themes/" and activate in WordPress Dashboard
Additional Customizer controls when WooCommerce is active