Results 102 comments of Neil Enns

With regards to the framework error it appears `SimConnect.dll` is an x64 library. So why does MobiFlight build as x86? How did this ever work? Hmm. From the CTrue.FsConnect nuget...

Someone who seems to have gotten SimConnect working with .NET Core:

Might be time to think about a clean break release where mobiflight moves to Net core, and older sims need to use the older version of MF with only critical...

A good way to look at these is to filter by each of the different log levels in the `New Level` column. E.g. set the filter to just `Info` and...

Yes, did the link work?

Try this one @DocMoebiuz!AnZYhMlrZ6jRn-sAfklQr8YzzLmp1g?e=u2gE3g

@DocMoebiuz [Updated spreadsheet is available](!AnZYhMlrZ6jRn-sAfklQr8YzzLmp1g?e=u2gE3g) (all the above links are updated as well to point to the new spreadsheet). I followed the same categorization rules as in the original enhancement...

Here's the way it was done for analog inputs in the firmware:

Example values when I move my X axis then let go of it. Eventually it settles down to one of those two values, but there's a stream of them flowing...

This must be incredibly common because AAO offers a "Reverse axis" checkbox on every axis input config.