NAMapKit copied to clipboard
Allows you to use custom maps in iphone applications and attempts to mimics some of the behaviour of the MapKit framework
I have my map zoom to a specific pin when they click a locate on map button from another view controller. I was curious if it is possible to open...
I pushed 3.2.1 and had to use `--allow-warnings`. ``` - NOTE | xcodebuild: Headers/Private/SDWebImage/UIImageView+WebCache.h:198:1: note: 'setImageWithURL:' has been explicitly marked deprecated here - WARN | xcodebuild: ARTiledImageView/Classes/ARTiledImageView.m:162:54: warning: 'downloadWithURL:options:progress:completed:' is...
This is something that ARTiledImageView handles, thus it's the responsibility of it to define the deps.
can any one plz help me. i have worked with customizing with my own images .now i want to show my own customized popup while clicking pin. how to achieve...
From, add a demo project that uses a completely custom pin annotation image.
There's a removeAnnotation method, but no removeAnnotations. Would be cool to be able to just remove all the annotations with 1 command, especially since the annotations array is not exposed.
Allow NAAnnotations to be created from MKAnnotations. Even better, make it a sub-protocol of MKAnnotation so I can use my existing map points.
Automatically translate from real lat/long co-ordinates to the map image. I've got the MKCoordinateRegion that my image represents, so by using that it should be able to convert the points...
Add support for a `leftCalloutAccessoryView` to `NAPinAnnotation`.
With the long press gesture applied to the AnnotationView, to allow it to be draggable and re-position on the new drop point. (Sorry, if I put this suggestion at the...