Milestone 1: Have things compilable and from the compile step complete - [x] Make Frontend compilable - [x] WebSockets not working? - [x] Build Headless Version - [x] Build Tauri...
It would be nice to use placeholders for each command block config. Each Placeholder would be the triggerAction " Property Path" which would then replaced with the current data. ```...
Hey, Operation System: Windows 8 64Bit Tablet: XBox uDraw Used the Tool, but not like in your Instruction, it dont prompts me a window where i should save the...
According to the wiki I'd only have to edit the width/height of the RectTransform, I can resize it in the Editor, but in runtime mode it resizes back to the...
I'm trying to run this container with the "best practices" of, and this script shows me that docker-wordpress-nginx is running as root. So if someone could hijack the wordpress,...
## Problem Statement I recentely came across of [Evolu](, it is an embedded SQLite Database, where each database entry is synched end to end encrypted to any other instance using...