Results 83 comments of Richard Musiol

Thx for the bug report. I've neglected `Addr` a bit, since it's mostly used in `unsafe` contexts that are not supported by GopherJS. But I think your use case is...

Hmm, in my first message I confused `Addr` with `Pointer`. Only `Pointer` is related to `unsafe`. According to the documentation of `reflect.Value`, your first example is not guaranteed to work....

You mean javascript optimizers? They can't do that kind of DCE, it's too hard to analyse.

@flimzy Are your numbers for GopherJS with its minification enabled (`-m` flag)?

I currently don't have the time available to work on it. Feel free to investigate.

Yeah, we should probably do that. :+1:

Sorry, but I'm not fully convinced about this yet. Please give me some more time, I haven't forgotten about this.

Have you tried running with the race detector enabled?

@thrasher-redhat Sorry, I'm quite busy with bringing WebAssembly to the Go compiler. @tonyghita is the primary maintainer of this project now.