telegram-randomizer copied to clipboard
Randomize Telegram account info with fake profile data and AI generated user photo :game_die:
:busts_in_silhouette: Telegram Randomizer :busts_in_silhouette:
Telegram Randomizer is a simple script designed to update telegram account with randomized profile data, random telegram username and unique AI generated human photo as a profile picture.
Example :game_die:
How does it work? :eyes:
The script generates the following fake data: first and last name, age, location and account username using randomuser.
User description is randomly picked between a general user description, i.e. "23. from Hamburg, Germany" and an inspirational quote from random modern day philosophers such as Kanye West, Breaking Bad characters or classic inspirational quotes using Kanye quotes API, Breaking Bad quotes API and favqs API.
Finally, a unique AI automated user photo is generated and scraped from the site this person doesn't exist and uploaded to the user profile.
In case you would like to distinct the gender of the AI photo, a usage of generated API is also supported. Kindly note that free use is limited to 50 monthly calls.
Randomizing the profile is as easy as typing the following in your script:
from randomizer import change_data
change_data(API_ID, API_HASH, False)
For a full example please refer to
Requirements :key:
The script was written with as little as necessary dependecies in mind.
To install the required packages, pip install the requirements.txt file.
APIs used in the script do not require registration except for the telegram api and the generated API (not a requisite).