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ESP32 XBee UART Interface

Results 42 esp32-xbee issues
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I often have disconnections between esp32 and the caster. These are in random intervals between 5 minutes and 20 minutes. In periods when there are no interruptions, the connection lasts...

Using the wrong data type seems to load the default value instead of the stored value in NVS. The stored value in the web interface is instead displayed correctly as...

FIrmware 0.52. Three ArduSimple RTK3B boards with WIFI NITRIP Master XBee boards fitted. Board 1 (RTK Base) is transmitting RTK data to both Rovers (Boards 2 & 3). No NTRIP...

I am not able to send a message from one esp32 to another using XBee. However when I connect both XBee on XCTU it works fine

I have a setup consisting of a WiFi NTRIP Master (with firmware v0.5.4) and an Ardusimple SimpleRTK2B – Basic Starter Kit configured as an RTK correction base. Everything works fine...

The Wifi hotpsot Min/Max IP address lists the incorrect third octet when the third octet in the Gateway and Subnet is changed. ![image](

Only Firefox browser works properly. With chrome or edge if page is refreshed no access to page. Browser or tab needs to be closed and page opened again. ![IMG_20240130_144846](

Separately from NTRIP, it would be very useful to enable accessing the NMEA stream over bluetooth. This would ease integration with various devices, especially software that already has bluetooth support,...

Just got a ZED-F9P + Xbee ESP32 wifi setup yesterday. Out of the box, I had no problems getting everything setup and connected per the instructions. Then, I wanted to...

I have an ArduSimple RTK2B PRO board along with a WiFi NTRIP Master module. When I try to set a password for a WiFi hotspot, the module crashes. It stops...