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esp32-xbee copied to clipboard

Long term stability

Open AndrewR-L opened this issue 4 years ago • 55 comments

I have experienced a number of issues attempting to run v0.4.2 simultaneously as an NTRIP server and TCP server which may be related. To rule out power fluctuations power is supplied to simplertk2b simultaneously and independently via both USB sockets.

  1. when running continuously esp32-xbee disconnects both NTRIP and TCP every 20865 seconds. This results in a loss of coverage eg because RTKLIB STRSVR which connects to esp-xbee socket takes 10 seconds to timeout retrying and a further 10 seconds after reconnecting to get up and running with useful data.

  2. esp32-xbee is also experiencing "panic" resets. I have attached logs and core_dumps of a couple of recent occasions. In the second instance I have included some heap_info outputs to see if this was caused by stack overflow. In each instance you can see effect no.1 happening 5hrs 50 mins after the TCP socket was first set up.

  3. after a few days esp32-xbee seems to lose wifi connectivity needing sometimes a full reset (>5 secs on boot button) to get running again. Because of issues no.1 and no.2 above I've not investigated whether this is a problem with my wifi or with xbee.

Are any of thee issues addressed in the new v0.4.3 just posted?


PS I am not sure what purpose uart_log(buffer, n) has in log.c in the current implementation but I wonder whether it should be called regardless of whether xRingbufferSend returns an error when the ring buffer gets full. PPS Just a suggestion - could there be an option for a fixed wifi IP (rather than DCHP) to ensure the socket server always comes up on the same address?

AndrewR-L avatar Dec 22 '19 19:12 AndrewR-L