I've met same issue. Using `geodjango`, `django 1.6.5`, `postgres 9.3.4`. I tried switching everything to `from django.contrib.gis.db import models`, but it didn't help. So i went investigating, a.k.a debugging, and...
Having same issue: My details: One deployment works, one doesn't. So far, looks like an issue with SQLAdmin itself. Docs app served from the same FastAPI server, knows...
I tried adding `--forwarded-allow-ips='*'` and `--proxy-headers` and still same result. Also tried this: ``` CMD ["gunicorn", "app.main:app", "--workers=4", "--worker-class=app.uvcorn_worker.CustomUvicornWorker", "--bind=", "--forwarded-allow-ips='*'", "--proxy-allow-from='*'", "--proxy-protocol"] ``` with the custom worker: ``` from...
The SSL is created via ACM, validated via DNS. Browsers trust the license. Is there any way to force https?
Thanks for the offer. Still don't know what's the issue exactly. I bypassed it by setting up FastAPI app with ssl + updating the target group to use https for...
I am having same issue! using Country as choices for ChoiceField. And i can't do datamigration, it always fails on TypeError: format requires a mapping. Line 82 in `dj.choices.fields`. @supervacuo...