nearcore copied to clipboard
The node stopped validating and getting stuck on the same block. "Downloading blocks 0.00%".
Validator node suddenly stopped validating and getting stuck on the same block with "Downloading blocks 0.00%..." Key error:
Aug 30 21:33:25 near-lux8 neard[296594]: 2024-08-30T19:33:25.854212Z ERROR client: Banning chunk producer for producing invalid chunk chunk_producer=AccountId("bisontrails2.poolv1.near") epoch_id=EpochId(FqfESvDE4WBUvbChAZu4DrpHnDmjj6TM2GvLQC2Kx3hD) chunk_hash=ChunkHash(CcypJUXGXKfPAXPpb5caeGx6eYCGeydSCNiLKU9VcVQr)
Aug 30 21:33:25 near-lux8 neard[296594]: 2024-08-30T19:33:25.854289Z WARN client: Receive bad block err=InvalidChunkState(ChunkState { prev_block_header: [3, 6, 242, 228, 5, 103, 240, 129, 188, 13, 162, 123, 68, 196, 211, 121, 70, 225, 83, 255, 49, 58, 62, 125, 39, 126, 237, 142, 243, 29, 54, 107, 160, 127, 159, 144, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 220, 122, 185, 133, 12, 137, 166, 14, 144, 245, 164, 195, 248, 156, 95, 220, 211, 60, 215, 176, 83, 93, 185, 154, 160, 146, 155, 184, 134, 244, 241, 252, 70, 221, 154, .....
log is in attachment near_out.log