There is some [talk]( about the problems of “skin whitening” as offered by this plugin. The main problem seems to be the term “flesh”: [there is no universal flesh-color]( I...
``` clojure (let [ variable #spy/d (complex expression) ] ... ``` prints `(complex expression) => ...` which can become quite unreadable, alternatively one would have to use `#spy/p` or set...
I'm quite new to clojure and not sure if there isn't a better way already, but I found myself writing things like ``` clojure (fn [x] (->> x (f a)...
I created a cyclic dependency, and wondered why the tests didn't run; so I restarted lein and only got this message from midje: ``` user=> (autotest) Because failures in the...
Midje doesn't remove the namespaces it reloads, which causes old symbols to stick around and cause confusion. Steps to reproduce: - Create a file `mytest.clj` ``` clojure (ns mytest (:use...
Occasionally the function under test has a bug that causes an infinite loop, for example: ``` clojure (fact (repeatedly gensym) => nil) ``` The only way I've found to stop...
When enabling CsrfViewMiddleware, emailauth breaks because there are no `{% csrf_token %}` tags in the forms. Since CSRF is now enabled by default, it should be supported in the templates...