Eigen's arrays have only 2 dimensions though, I'd copy `boost::multi_array`, which allows an arbitrary number of dimensions, inherit vector with `dims=1` and matrix with `dims=2` and overloaded `operator*`. That way,...
Maybe using ``` C++ vex::multi_array vex::multi_array::operator[](size_t) vex::multi_array vex::multi_array::operator[](_) ``` like boost::multi_array does would make the code more compact: ``` C++ vex::multi_array A(ctx, {200, 200, 200}); B = A/*i=0, d=3*/[_]/*i=1, d=3*/[_]/*i=2,...
I'm still getting the same issue with wxmac (via homebrew) and wx… Building wxmac with `--disable-mediactrl` removes the QuickTime dependency from the output of `wx-config`.
I don't understand how this would work using `cond->`? It accepts a value as the first argument like all the other arrows, my idea was about introducing a higher-order arrow...