BLE-Indoor-Positioning copied to clipboard
Multilateration using bluetooth beacons
``` 07-16 13:49:37.565 W/NearbyDevicesManager: Device scanning failed java.lang.ClassCastException: com.nexenio.authenticator.accesscontrol.GateEntranceDetectionBeacon cannot be cast to com.nexenio.authenticator.accesscontrol.GateDetectionBeacon at com.nexenio.authenticator.accesscontrol.GateDetection$1.onMatchingBeaconUpdated( at com.nexenio.bleindoorpositioning.ble.beacon.FilteredBeaconUpdateListener.onBeaconUpdated( at com.nexenio.bleindoorpositioning.ble.beacon.BeaconManager.notifyBeaconUpdateListeners( at com.nexenio.bleindoorpositioning.ble.beacon.BeaconManager.processAdvertisingPacket( at com.nexenio.bleindoorpositioning.ble.beacon.BeaconManager.processAdvertisingData( at com.nexenio.authenticator.networking.bluetooth.NearbyDevicesManager.onScanResult( at com.nexenio.authenticator.networking.bluetooth.NearbyDevicesManager.lambda$startScanning$2( at com.nexenio.authenticator.networking.bluetooth.-$$Lambda$NearbyDevicesManager$3z2AY2Ysie8a5mXIbx0mQPopEkY.accept(lambda)...
Hello, The registerLocationListener (unregisterLocationListener) method in `AndroidLocationProvider` are not nullable `registerLocationListener(@NonNull LocationListener locationListener)` But the same method in the `IndoorPositioning` (Which should be named IndoorPositioningProvider - i guess) are nullable....
Is there any chance to drop the singleton pattern and use dependency injection ? Or at least making the code flexible if someone want to use DI with a third...
Hello, Below an image from google, let's suppose that the black line is our route, is there any plan to filter the coming locations based on the route lines ?...
Create a class that extends `IBeaconLocationProvider` which is capable of extracting geo coordinates from received advertising data.
The classes from the [beaconview]( package in the demo application should be available as a seperate Android library, as well as some convenience classes for bluetooth scanning and location requests.
I saw IBeaconAdvertisingPacket class. I detected wrong parsing data such as: getTypeBytes return data[4], but I try parsing return data[1]
Hello strange things happening when I run release version of my application I followed the Instruction on the main page and running the debug version of my application when i...