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XML Calabash, an XProc processor
This pipeline does a directory listing of the directory that it resides in, and it is supposed to load all files whose names match the regex `\.x[mps]l$`: ```xml ``` Morgana...
What’s happening is that a certain complex pipeline exits with said exception when I try to evaluate p:iteration-position(). When I replace a previous step that is the result of a...
From the [specs](http://www.w3.org/TR/xproc/#c.hash): "The value of the match option must be an XSLTMatchPattern. ... If the expression matches any other kind of node, the entire node (and not just its...
See: https://saxonica.plan.io/issues/3169 With the fixes that Michael added the code in "XSLT.run()" needs to be also changed and use "node.getTreeInfo().setUserData("saxon:document-uri", newDocUri)" in order for the system ID of the original...
User reports in email: * copy the saxon9pe.jar to Calabash' lib folder * copy the saxon license to the lib folder * move the original saxon HE jar out of...
One way to permit serialization options on items packed into zip files would be to allow them to be read from c:entry elements inside a zip manifest ... see discussion...
Would it be possible for Calabash to output some profiling information or, even better, to generate a call graph in the [callgrind](http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/cl-format.html) format? It would be awesome to analyse the...
When checking URL citations in journal XML with p:http-request, we recently stumbled across the URL http://www.journalofosteopathicmedicine.com/ that makes p:http-request (and the whole pipeline and Calabash around it) crash. [This gist](https://gist.github.com/gimsieke/c456c5f82a346c515960)...
What about uris in Jars?
If a schematron have to include a xsl file, a relative uri doesn't work. To fix it, I patched the file etc\schematron\iso_dsdl_include.xsl in the calabash jar with adding the following...