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Wanted: More context info for dynamic errors XD0006 and XD0007
In complex pipelines, it is often difficult to track down the sources of dynamic errors. Calabash does not provide much context information. I don’t know which context info would be available at all during runtime. It would certainly be nice if the file/step names could be reported, as during static pipeline analysis.
Here’s an example that will produce XD0006:
<p:declare-step xmlns:p="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc"
xmlns:c="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc-step" version="1.0">
<p:output port="result">
<p:pipe port="secondary" step="xslt"/>
<p:xslt template-name="main" name="xslt">
<p:input port="source"><p:empty/></p:input>
<p:input port="parameters"><p:empty/></p:input>
<p:input port="stylesheet">
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="2.0">
<xsl:template name="main">
<xsl:result-document href="doc1">
<xsl:result-document href="doc2">
Remove the xsl:result-document instructions in the template to elicit XD0007.
Besides the ever annoying XD0007 and XD0006 errors, there are certainly other non-obvious errors that might benefit from a more detailed reporting (e.g., XD0001 when more than one document is created on the primary port of the XSLT step).
Yeah, it's pretty awful.