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how can i combine all the plots in one layout ???
i have tried this script but it doesn't work :
cf <- pirateplot(formula = Cf (m)
~ VerSts,
data = massi,
main = "Circonférence (m)",
theme= 1,
bean.f.o = .6, # Bean fill
point.o = .3, # Points
inf.f.o = .7, # Inference fill
inf.b.o = .8, # Inference border
avg.line.o = 1, # Average line
bar.f.o = .5, # Bar
inf.f.col = "white", # Inf fill col
inf.b.col = "black", # Inf border col
avg.line.col = "black", # avg line col
bar.f.col = gray(.8), # bar filling color
point.pch = 21,
point.bg = "white",
point.col = "black",
point.cex = .7)
Ht <- pirateplot(formula = HT ~ VerSts,
data = massi,
main = "Hauteur totale de l’arbre (m)",
theme= 1,
bean.f.o = .6, # Bean fill
point.o = .3, # Points
inf.f.o = .7, # Inference fill
inf.b.o = .8, # Inference border
avg.line.o = 1, # Average line
bar.f.o = .5, # Bar
inf.f.col = "white", # Inf fill col
inf.b.col = "black", # Inf border col
avg.line.col = "black", # avg line col
bar.f.col = gray(.8), # bar filling color
point.pch = 21,
point.bg = "white",
point.col = "black",
point.cex = .7)
LH <- pirateplot(formula = Long. H
~ VerSts,
data = massi,
main = "Longueur du houppier (m)",
theme= 1,
bean.f.o = .6, # Bean fill
point.o = .3, # Points
inf.f.o = .7, # Inference fill
inf.b.o = .8, # Inference border
avg.line.o = 1, # Average line
bar.f.o = .5, # Bar
inf.f.col = "white", # Inf fill col
inf.b.col = "black", # Inf border col
avg.line.col = "black", # avg line col
bar.f.col = gray(.8), # bar filling color
point.pch = 21,
point.bg = "white",
point.col = "black",
point.cex = .7)
D.h <- pirateplot(formula = D.houppier
~ VerSts,
data = massi,
main = "Diamètre du houppier (m)",
theme= 1,
bean.f.o = .6, # Bean fill
point.o = .3, # Points
inf.f.o = .7, # Inference fill
inf.b.o = .8, # Inference border
avg.line.o = 1, # Average line
bar.f.o = .5, # Bar
inf.f.col = "white", # Inf fill col
inf.b.col = "black", # Inf border col
avg.line.col = "black", # avg line col
bar.f.col = gray(.8), # bar filling color
point.pch = 21,
point.bg = "white",
point.col = "black",
point.cex = .7)
cf + Ht + LH + D.h + plot_layout(ncol=2)
please help me