Flet-Color-Browser icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Flet-Color-Browser copied to clipboard

A simple Web and desktop UI for easy color selection in Flet Application development.


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From my experience, working with colors is not that easy.

Table of contents:

  • Introduction
  • Source of Inspiration
  • Screen captures
  • How to get started?
  • How to deploy?
  • Issues/Contribution

What is this about? (Introduction)

A simple but sophisticated tool(Web and desktop UI) for easy color selection when developing Flet applications. Here is a link to the online/web version of this tool -> flet-colors-browser.fly.dev

Source of Inspiration

I decided to build up this tool after looking at the Flet-Icons-Browser - a simple browser which eases Icon selection when developing Flet apps . This tool is actually a refactored-clone(or fork if you want) of it. I just added my personal UI touch and included more comments in the code :)

Screen captures

This tool has two versions: One using a GridView to display the colors, and another using a ListView in Tabs.

Below are some OLD captures I made of the tool in execution.

  • Version 1:

    • Dark Mode

      V1 Dark Mode

    • Light Mode

      V1 Light Mode
  • Version 2:

    • Dark Mode

      V2 Light Mode

      • Light Mode


    • GIF Video

      Colors-Browser GIF

How to get started?

Easiest Way: You can open it on your browser and install it as a PWA(Progressive Web Application). It would then be found on your desktop(Windows, macOS, Linux.. etc), and you could run it any time. Follow the guide below gotten from a Post on Medium.

How to Install as PWA

Second-Easiest Way:

  • Try the app online from here:
  • You can just download an archive(for Windows, macOS and Linux only) from the releases section, extract this and run the standalone executable file(~25Mo) found in it.

Hardest Way:

  • Start by cloning and unzipping this repo: how-to

  • Enter the directory

      cd Flet-Color-Browser
  • Install the requirements: pip install requirements.txt -r

  • Run the main.py file

    python main.py

How to Deploy?

See this article to deploy this flet app and all others you have for freeee.


I tried my best to make this project simple and easy to understand, but if you have problems/issues while using this :(, then you are free to raise an issue and I will happily respond.

If you instead want to contribute(new features, bug/typo fixes, etc), just fork this project and make a pull request. :)