Nicolas Dierckxsens
Nicolas Dierckxsens
Hi, You should send me the extended log from the second sample. Run it again with extended log to 1 And why do you have so much variation on your...
Hi, I can't know that without more info. run with extended log and send that file
Hi, Seems there is a gap in coverage, so don't think it can be circularized completely. It's probably because of low complexity region of Cs. But I guess the gap...
Yeah sure, if you miss a few basepares, it is not a problem, probably no gene is affected, many published mitogenomes have bigger gaps YOu can check the overlap and...
Hi, Good question, I havent tried it yet. If your reads have around the same read length it could maybe work Put "ion" as platform and use the SE option
Hi, usually not trimming causes no problem but if evey read has still adapters at the end its best to trim them. Is it assembly with 8 options? And am...
Hi, just got back from holiday. Didn't you check the previous topic I added in the last comment?
Hi, could you send me the log, so I can check if all the parameters are correct. And do you have enough coverage for heteroplasmy detection? I haven't test it...
Your MAF is way too low, you are looking for heteroplasmy of 0,01%, that is impossible. If you want 1%, put 0,01. I will put an automatic allert in the...
Send me the log of the 0,01 then