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NDID API (Node.js)


  • Main
  • MQ service
  • Telemetry
    • Documentation can be found here


  • Node.js 18 or later (Recommended: latest version of Node.js 20 LTS)
  • npm 8 or later
  • Redis 3.2 or later

Getting started

  1. Install dependencies

    # from repository root directory
  2. Run smart contract (tendermint ABCI app) server in smart-contract repository and wait for first commit to show up in an output.

  3. Add development keys to the system (for development mode only)

    # from repository root directory
    cd main-server
    NODE_ID=ndid1 \
    npm run initDev
  4. Run a MQ service server

    # from repository root directory
    cd mq-server
    npm start

Environment variable options

  • NODE_ID: (Must be the same as its server pair) Description below [Required]
  • MQ_BINDING_PORT: (Must be the same as its server pair) Description below [Required]
  • SERVER_PORT: gRPC server port [Default: 50051]
  • MAX_CONCURRENT_MESSAGES_PER_MQ_SOCKET: Maximum concurrent messages for each MQ sending socket [Default: 16]
  • MAX_MQ_SOCKET: Maximum limit for MQ sending sockets [Default: 10000]
  • GRPC_PING_INTERVAL_MS: gRPC ping interval in milliseconds [Default: 300000]
  • GRPC_PING_TIMEOUT_MS: gRPC ping timeout in milliseconds [Default: 20000]
  • LOG_LEVEL: Description below
  • LOG_PRETTY_PRINT: Description below
  • LOG_COLOR: Description below
  • LOG_ONE_LINE: Description below
  1. Run a main server

    # from repository root directory
    cd main-server
    npm start

Environment variable options

  • MODE: Allowed values are standalone, master, and worker. There can be only one master process per Node ID [Default: standalone]
  • MASTER_SERVER_IP: Master process gRPC server IP address. Required when MODE=master [Default: localhost]
  • MASTER_SERVER_PORT: Master process gRPC server port. Required when MODE=master and MODE=worker [Default: 7000]
  • CALL_TO_MASTER_RETRY_TIMEOUT_MS: gRPC call from worker process to master process retry timeout in milliseconds [Default: 120000]
  • NODE_ID: Node ID ties to public key, in dev mode we have rp1, rp2, rp3, idp1, idp2, idp3, as1, as2, as3 [Required]
  • NDID_NODE: Set to true to skip getting role from blockchain and skip waiting for blockchain initialization ended. [Default: false]
  • TENDERMINT_IP: IP Address to contact tendermint RPC [Default: localhost]
  • TENDERMINT_PORT: Port to contact tendermint RPC [Default: 45000]
  • TENDERMINT_WS_CONNECTIONS: Number of Tendermint RPC WebSocket connections in connection pool. [Default: 10]
  • MQ_CONTACT_IP: An IP address where this NDID node message queue can be contacted [Required when role is set to idp, rp, or as]
  • MQ_BINDING_PORT: A port to bind message queue [Default: 5555]
  • MQ_SERVICE_SERVER_IP: IP address of MQ service server [Default: localhost]
  • MQ_SERVICE_SERVER_PORT: Port of MQ service server [Default: 50051]
  • COMPRESS_MQ_MESSAGE: Compress MQ message before sending to other nodes [Default: false]
  • MQ_MESSAGE_COMPRESS_MIN_LENGTH: Minimum message (to send over MQ) length in bytes to compress [Default: 1000]
  • SERVER_PORT: API server port [Default: 8080]
  • PRIVATE_KEY_PATH: Path to node's private key (if call back to create signature is not set) [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode] (Deprecated. Use SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH and ENCRYPTION_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH instead.)
  • MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH: Path to node's master private key (if call back to create signature is not set) [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode] (Deprecated. Use SIGNING_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH instead.)
  • MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE: Passphrase for node's master private key (Deprecated. Use SIGNING_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE instead.)
  • NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH: Directory path for nodes behind proxy private keys and passphrases [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode] (Deprecated. Use NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH and NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_ENCRYPTION_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH instead.)
  • NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH: Directory path for nodes behind proxy master private keys and passphrases [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode] (Deprecated. Use NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_SIGNING_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH instead.)
  • SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH: Path to node's private key for signing [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode]
  • SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE: Passphrase for node's private key for signing
  • SIGNING_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH: Path to node's master private key for signing [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode]
  • SIGNING_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE: Passphrase for node's master private key for signing
  • ENCRYPTION_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH: Path to node's private key for encryption [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode]
  • ENCRYPTION_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE: Passphrase for node's private key for encryption
  • NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH: Directory path for nodes behind proxy private keys and passphrases for signing [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode]
  • NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_SIGNING_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH: Directory path for nodes behind proxy master private keys and passphrases for signing [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode]
  • NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_ENCRYPTION_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH: Directory path for nodes behind proxy private keys and passphrases for encryption [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode]
  • DATA_DIRECTORY_PATH: Directory path for persistence data files [Default: __dirname/../data (data directory in repository's directory)]
  • DEFAULT_API_VERSION: API version to serve on default path (without version path prefix) [Default: 6]
  • CALLBACK_API_VERSION: Callback API version [Default: 6]
  • EXTERNAL_CRYPTO_SERVICE_CALLBACK_API_VERSION: Callback for external crypto service API version [Default: If not set, will be the same as CALLBACK_API_VERSION]
  • USE_API_KEY: Simple API authentication by setting API key in HTTP request header X-API-Key [Default: false]
  • API_KEY_HASH: API key SHA-256 hash hex encoded string. Required when USE_API_KEY=true
  • DB_IP: IP address of DB (redis) server [Default: localhost]
  • DB_PORT: Port of DB (redis) server [Default: 6379]
  • DB_PASSWORD: Authentication password for DB (redis) connection
  • LOG_LEVEL: Log level. Allowed values are fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace, and silent [Default: debug in development, info in production]
  • LOG_PRETTY_PRINT: Log prettifier (easy to read format). If not set to true, log will be in JSON format [Default: true in development, false otherwise]
  • LOG_COLOR: Log highlight color [Default: true in development, false otherwise]
  • LOG_ONE_LINE: Log one-line pretty print when LOG_PRETTY_PRINT is set to true [Default: false]
  • CLIENT_HTTP_ERROR_CODE: HTTP error code when responding a client error [Default: 400]
  • SERVER_HTTP_ERROR_CODE: HTTP error code when responding a server error [Default: 500]
  • USE_EXTERNAL_CRYPTO_SERVICE: Use external service (KMS) for decrypting and signing (e.g. HSM) [Default: false]
  • AUTO_CLOSE_REQUEST_ON_COMPLETED: Automatically close a request as soon as status is completed (and when all IdP response signatures are valid in mode 2 and 3). (For RP role) [Default: true]
  • AUTO_CLOSE_REQUEST_ON_REJECTED: Automatically close a request as soon as status is rejected (and when all IdP response signatures are valid in mode 2 and 3). (For RP role) [Default: false]
  • AUTO_CLOSE_REQUEST_ON_COMPLICATED: Automatically close a request as soon as status is complicated (and when all IdP response signatures are valid in mode 2 and 3). (For RP role) [Default: false]
  • AUTO_CLOSE_REQUEST_ON_ERRORED: Automatically close a request as soon as status is errored. (For RP role) [Default: true]
  • AS_DATA_COMPRESS_MIN_LENGTH: Minimum AS response data (to send over P2P/MQ) length in bytes to compress [Default: 1000]
  • HTTPS: Use HTTPS server [Default: false]
  • HTTPS_KEY_PATH: HTTPS private key file path. Required when HTTPS=true [Default: pre-generated development key]
  • HTTPS_CERT_PATH: HTTPS certificate file path. Required when HTTPS=true [Default: pre-generated development cert]
  • CALLBACK_RETRY_TIMEOUT: Callback retry timeout in seconds. Only applies to some callbacks (that do not have shouldRetry function check e.g. request status update callback to RP client) [Default: 600]
  • REGISTER_MQ_AT_STARTUP: Flag to tell API node whether to register message queue address when start (will override previously registered address) [Default: true for RP, IdP, and AS roles, false for NDID role]
  • MAX_INTERVAL_TENDERMINT_SYNC_CHECK: Maximum time interval in milliseconds for polling Tendermint syncing status on server start [Default: 15000]
  • GRPC_PING_INTERVAL_MS: gRPC ping interval in milliseconds [Default: 60000]
  • GRPC_PING_TIMEOUT_MS: gRPC ping timeout in milliseconds [Default: 20000]
  • GRPC_CALL_TIMEOUT_MS: gRPC call timeout in milliseconds [Default: 60000]
  • PROMETHEUS: Enable prometheus metrics and HTTP server for querying metrics [Default: false]
  • PROMETHEUS_SERVER_PORT: HTTP server port for querying Prometheus metrics [Default: 8888]
  • PROMETHEUS_HTTPS: Use HTTPS server for Prometheus metrics HTTP server [Default: false]
  • PROMETHEUS_HTTPS_KEY_PATH: HTTPS private key file path for Prometheus metrics HTTP server. Required when PROMETHEUS_HTTPS=true [Default: pre-generated development key]
  • PROMETHEUS_HTTPS_CERT_PATH: HTTPS certificate file path for Prometheus metrics HTTP server. Required when PROMETHEUS_HTTPS=true [Default: pre-generated development cert]
  • ENABLE_TELEMETRY_LOGGING: Enable/disable telemetry logging. Options are true and false [Default: true]
  • TELEMETRY_DB_HOST: Host/IP of Redis DB database for telemetry [Default: Same as DB_IP]
  • TELEMETRY_DB_PORT: Port of Redis DB database for telemetry [Default: Same as DB_PORT]
  • TELEMETRY_DB_PASSWORD: Password of Redis DB database for telemetry [Default: Same as DB_PASSWORD]
  • DCONTRACT_REQUEST_TYPE: Request type name for requests with dcontract document link(s) in request message. [Default: dsign.dcontract]
  • DCONTRACT_VALIDATE: Enable dcontract document validation automatically on IdP node. To disable this feature, set to false and IdP is required to validate document by themselves. [Default: true]
  • DCONTRACT_FETCH_TIMEOUT: Timeout for fetching documents from document source in miliseconds [Default: 30000]
  • VALIDATE_IDENTIFIER: Validate identifier on creating identity, adding identity, and creating request on API v6 and later [Default: true]

Debug APIs (Only in development mode)

  • POST /debug/tmQuery/:ABCI_FunctionName with BODY to pass to ABCI app
  • POST /debug/tmTransact/:ABCI_FunctionName with BODY to pass to ABCI app with extra 3 parameter (not pass to ABCI)
    • debug_callbackUrl: Callback url to receive result (MUST SET debug_sync to true)
    • debug_useMasterKey: Use master key to sign tx or not (boolean)
    • debug_sync: Wait for tx commit, or will callback (boolean)


  • Run a server as an IDP

    MQ_BINDING_PORT=5555 \
    SERVER_PORT=8100 \
    NODE_ID=idp1 \
    npm start
  • Run a server as a RP

    MQ_BINDING_PORT=5556 \
    SERVER_PORT=8200 \
    NODE_ID=rp1 \
    npm start
  • Run a server as a AS

    MQ_BINDING_PORT=5557 \
    SERVER_PORT=8300 \
    NODE_ID=as1 \
    npm start

Don't forget to

  1. Set SERVER_PORT when running on the same machine to avoid port collision.
  2. Set TENDERMINT_IP and/or TENDERMINT_PORT when running smart-contract/tendermint on another machine.

Run in Docker





docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up


  • To run docker container without building image, run command show in Run section (no building required). It will run docker container with image from Dockerhub (https://hub.docker.com/r/ndidplatform/api/).
  • To pull latest image from Dockerhub, run docker pull ndidplatform/api and docker pull ndidplatform/mq
  • Docker container can be run with -u or --user flag (e.g. -u 65534:65534). In case you are using docker-compose, user can be specified in docker-compose file (e.g. user: 65534:65534) (see Compose file reference for more detail).
  • When running docker container with non-root user, source directories that will be mounted into the container as DATA_DIRECTORY_PATH must be created beforehand with the non-root user as owner.


Both main server and MQ service server only log to stdout. For log rotation, see http://getpino.io/#/docs/help?id=log-rotation.


  • When running as a proxy node:
    • DB (Redis) should not be shared with other proxy node.
    • NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH is where node behind proxy private keys are stored. The server expects key filename to be node's ID. If keys have a passphrase, it should be in a text file with filename <NODE_ID>_passphrase
    • NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH is where node behind proxy master private keys are stored. The server expects key filename to be <NODE_ID>_master. If keys have a passphrase, it should be in a text file with filename <NODE_ID>_master_passphrase
  • When working in development, if you clear/delete the blockchain, you need to delete latest block height files by running npm run delete-local-data-cache. (Automatically run when running npm run initDev) For docker, run npm run docker-down or docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml down before starting containers again.