Its a somewhat basic question, but if it is possible, are you able to ping the ros server IP address from the quest?
Did anyone figure out what caused this? now experiencing the same issue
> The rotation should not be there. > > The mesh / kinematic chain should be fixed, then the compensation should not be necessary any more. Good afternoon, Does this...
> ### **Problem** > Related to [Issue 163]( > > On the latest **melodic branch**, when subscribing to the `/points2` pointcloud topic, the received [`sensor_msgs::PointCloud2`]( messages are unordered (i.e. height...
Seems like it might be an issue with the rate parameter here on line 967: `ros::Rate loop_rate(params_.fps);`
Rather than try and hunt down the parameters, im going to add the Azure transforms to the broadcast TF Script
> Hi, thanks for reporting, newest Noetic release will add more parameters to depth filtering, which should make both pointclouds the same Hello! Its a bit difficult to tell on...