HTML icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
HTML copied to clipboard

A simple, extensible way to work directly with the DOM.

HTML is a small, extensible library to help you enjoy the DOM in a simple, direct way.

Please check out the demo, the API and the F.A.Q..

Full Version:

Download: HTML.min.js or HTML.js Build Status
Bower: bower install HTML
NPM: npm install html.js
spm: spm install html.js
Component: component install nbubna/HTML

Includes dot-traversal, query(), each(), only(), all(), add(), remove(), HTML.ify() and emmet abbreviations in add():

Base Version:

Download: HTML.min.js or HTML.js

Includes dot-traversal, query(), each(), only(), all(), add(), remove() and HTML.ify():

Core Version:

Download: HTML.min.js or HTML.js

Includes dot-traversal, query(), each(), only(), all() and HTML.ify():

Release History

Thanks to Adrian Cooney for the inspiration and starting point for this project.