
Results 56 issues of nicoo

As mentioned in #338, EC2 images should probably use `cloudfront.d.n` as the default mirror. Since the discussion in the previous bug, DSA has taken over the service, and it should...

Docker images constitute of several layers, filesystem overlays that are combined together to produce the actual image's filesystem. The rationale for doing this is two-fold: 1. Multiple images can share...

@myhro suggested signing the release tags in #278. I would like to suggest going one step further, and keeping the code in `master` signed. There are several reasons to do...

I interrupted a `bootstrap-vz` run just after it bind-mounted `/dev` into the VM's rootfs, and it failed to clean it up: see log [20160224161357_jessie-vagrant.log](

After encountering #292 (and before noticing a devtmpfs was still mounted), I attempted to `rm -r` the left-over workdir: this ended up removing the vast majority of my device files...

I'm currently packaging `kyua` for Debian (as a test dependency of `pkgconf`), and I noticed that `kyua` hard aborts when the current homedir does not exist; this is the case...

The map is currently unuseable for users with no (or broken) scroll wheel. Would you consider a fix? Maybe adding a pair of buttons to control zoom level? I noticed...

Also performed the following changes: - [x] removed the AABBs stored in nodes and leaves, computing them on-the-fly; - [x] inlined a small number of entities into the leaves using...

### Environment **Python Version:** 3.9.10 **Nikola Version:** 8.2.0 **Operating System:** NixOS “unstable” 22.05pre-git ### Description: `nikola init --demo` fails, even when run in a clean environment and empty directory: ```...


Hi, I'm opening this as a draft PR, as there are aspects that make it not ready IMO (like ~~pyca/pynacl#676 not being merged yet,~~ not having a lossless DB migration...