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An R package for calculating and drawing variable trees
vtree - An R package for calculating & drawing variable trees
Variable trees are diagrams that display information about nested subsets of a data frame.
You can install the current version of vtree (version 5.4.6) from CRAN
Or install the latest development release (v5.5.8) from github
remotes::install_github("nbarrowman/[email protected]")
To get the vignette as well you need to specify build_vignettes=TRUE
remotes::install_github("nbarrowman/[email protected]",build_vignettes=TRUE)
More information
vtree is available on CRAN
A comprehensive introduction to vtree is available in the vignette
A cheat sheet (pdf) is available
- https://rpubs.com/nbarrowman/Data_exploration_with_vtree
- https://rpubs.com/nbarrowman/missing_values_vtree
- https://rpubs.com/nbarrowman/pruning_a_variable_tree
- https://rpubs.com/nbarrowman/CONSORT-style
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