soapee-ui copied to clipboard
UI Feedback
- Move Lye, Water, and FO amounts up near the oils since those are measurements we care about.
- Move Notes section directly below the measurement section.
- Under Recipe Totals, do not repeat the word "Weight" instead, make that word appear in a vertical column in front of those rows.
- Move UOM to their own columns.
- Right Justify all quantities.
- Enable multi-select user control over which UOMs are displayed. Grams would be a handy default.
- Condense rows for Superfat, Lye Concentration, Water:Lye Ratio, Saturated:Unsaturated. You could probably fit that into 2 lines.
- Remove the word "Ratio".
- Condense the Fatty Acids to fit 2 per row.
- Determine MAX length of Oil. Move the UOM and quantities to display closer to to the word.
- Add check box to right of all measurements.
- Pick a consistent decimal rounding scheme for all like measurements (especially under the Recipe Totals section... currently some go to three spaces and some go to one space).
- Differentiate the section headers... Maybe a gray background or all caps?