Navid Shaikh
Navid Shaikh
/reopen /remove-lifecycle stale Added refactor label to it and we can consider this while separating the flags into their own package for re-usability by plugins.
/remove-lifecycle stale /unassign
> Version: v20190828-local-f53ebd8 Build Date: 2019-08-28 09:06:01 Git Revision: f53ebd8-dirty Dependencies: >serving: v0.6.0 >eventing: v0.8.0 This doesn't look like built from latest master on 2019-08-28. You can grab the nightly...
> As per the code kn client currently does not query for imageDigest. It just calls KNative API's to update service. +1 > Does the proposal here is for kn...
While switching from client side revision-name generation to server side revision-name generation, there is one revision created though client-side revision-name generation ``` 13:24 ➜ client git:(master) ./kn service create hello...
/reopen /remove-lifecycle stale
+1 FYI we've for delivering kn via homebrew for macOS / Linux distributions.
:+1: Lets tag this for milestone v0.8 release.
+1 for value specified by the user. We could use existing flag to decide - dont print http-logs ---> `--log-http` not specified - print to a file ---> `--log-http` specified...