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ARCUS Java client

arcus-java-client: Arcus Java Client CI License

This is a fork of spymemcached with the following modifications to support Arcus memcached cloud.

  • Collection data types
    • List: A doubly-linked list.
    • Set: An unordered set of unique data.
    • Map: An unordered set of <field, value>.
    • B+Tree: A B+Tree structure similar to sorted map.
  • ZooKeeper based clustering

JDK Requirements

Compatible with jdk version

  • runtime requirements : At least 1.6
  • build requirements : At least 1.8

Getting Started

The Maven artifact for arcus java client is in the central Maven repository. To use it, add the following dependency to your pom.xml.

  • Getting Started Guide (in Korean)


To build your own library, simply run the following maven command:

$ mvn clean install

# Test cases may not run properly if you do not already have memcached
# and ZooKeeper installed on the local machine.  To skip tests, use skipTests.

$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

Running Test Cases

Before running test cases, make sure to set up a local ZooKeeper and run an Arcus memcached instance. Several Arcus specific test cases assume that there is an Arcus instance running, along with ZooKeeper.

First, make a simple ZooKeeper configuration file. By default, tests assume ZooKeeper is running at localhost:2181.

$ cat test-zk.conf
# The number of milliseconds of each tick
# The number of ticks that the initial 
# synchronization phase can take
# The number of ticks that can pass between 
# sending a request and getting an acknowledgement
# the directory where the snapshot is stored.
# the port at which the clients will connect

Second, create znodes for one memcached instance running at localhost:11211. ZooKeeper comes with a command line tool. The following script uses it to set up the directory structure.

$ cat setup-test-zk.bash

ZK_ADDR="-server localhost:2181"

$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_list 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_list/test 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/client_list 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/client_list/test 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_server_mapping 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_server_log 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_server_mapping/ 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_server_mapping/ 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_server_mapping/ 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_server_mapping/ 0

Now start the ZooKeeper instance using the configuration above.

$ ZOOCFGDIR=$PWD ./zookeeper/bin/ start test-zk.conf

And, start the memcached instance.

$ /home1/openarcus/bin/memcached -E /home1/openarcus/lib/ -p 11211 -z localhost:2181

Finally, run test cases.

$ mvn test
Results :

Tests run: 722, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 8

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3:17.308s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Mar 06 13:42:58 KST 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 9M/722M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

API Documentation

Please refer to Arcus Java Client User Guide for the detailed usage of Arcus java client.


If you find a bug, please report it via the GitHub issues page.

Arcus Contributors

In addition to those who had contributed to the original libmemcached, the following people at NAVER have contributed to arcus-java-client.

Chisu Yu (netspider) [email protected]; [email protected]
Hoonmin Kim (harebox) [email protected]; [email protected]
YeaSol Kim (ngleader) [email protected]; [email protected]
SeongHwa Ahn [email protected]; [email protected]
HyongYoub Kim [email protected]


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:


Arcus has patents on b+tree smget operation. Refer to PATENTS file in this directory to get the patent information.

Under the Apache License 2.0, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable patent license is granted to any user for any usage. You can see the specifics on the grant of patent license in LICENSE file in this directory.