react-native-otp-textinput icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-otp-textinput copied to clipboard

Text View usable for OTP / Pin implementation


React Native Component that can used for OTPs and Pins as secure pin input.

npm version npm downloads


npm i -S react-native-otp-textinput


How to Use

Please refer this repo on how to use the module in various scenarios.

Platform Support

Supports both Android and iOS.


The following props are applicable for the component along with props supported by react native TextInput component

Prop Type Optional Default Description
defaultValue string Yes '' Default Value that can be set based on OTP / Pin received from parent container.
handleTextChange func No n/a callback with concated string of all cells as argument.
inputCount number Yes 4 Number of Text Input Cells to be present.
tintColor string Yes #3CB371 Color for Cell Border on being focused.
offTintColor string Yes #DCDCDC Color for Cell Border Border not focused.
inputCellLength number Yes 1 Number of character that can be entered inside a single cell.
containerStyle object Yes {} style for overall container.
textInputStyle object Yes {} style for text input.

Helper Functions

Clearing and Setting values to component

// using traditional ref
clearText = () => {

setText = () => {

render() {
    return (
            <OTPTextInput ref={e => (this.otpInput = e)} >
            <Button title="clear" onClick={this.clearText}>
// hooks
import React, { useRef } from 'react';

const ParentComponent = () => {
    const otpInput = useRef(null);

    const clearText = () => {

    const setText = () => {

    return (
            <OTPTextInput ref={e => (otpInput = e)} >
            <Button title="clear" onClick={clearText}>
        </View> ̰

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