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How to change the color of comments
How to change comment color of multiline comments python? They are green by default. I want to change it to gray
class Tets:
multiline comment
totes, i thought maybe i had solved the defining comments by overriding the defaults with my init.lua
but it seems that using TSPlaygroundToggle
on a random python file that i added a multiline comment to. i get the same results that you mention above. if i'm reading output correctly it looks like maybe the treesitter parser is reading the multiline comment as a expression_statement
and apparently doing a little more reading on this subject, those multiline comments are what i believe the python language refers to as docstrings
there does seem to be a workaround to label them as "code comments" to adjust the color if you choose to go that route.
I hade the same problem but in reverse. Tried to change comments to dark green to not be the same color as whitespace. (not python-specific)
This worked for me:
Snippet from init.lua
-- Theme inspired by Atom
priority = 1000,
config = function()
require('onedark').setup {
-- Main options --
style = 'warmer', -- Default theme style. Choose between 'dark', 'darker', 'cool', 'deep', 'warm', 'warmer' and 'light'
transparent = false, -- Show/hide background
term_colors = true, -- Change terminal color as per the selected theme style
ending_tildes = true, -- Show the end-of-buffer tildes. By default they are hidden
cmp_itemkind_reverse = false, -- reverse item kind highlights in cmp menu
-- toggle theme style ---
toggle_style_key = nil, -- keybind to toggle theme style. Leave it nil to disable it, or set it to a string, for example "<leader>ts"
toggle_style_list = {'dark', 'darker', 'cool', 'deep', 'warm', 'warmer', 'light'}, -- List of styles to toggle between
-- Change code style ---
-- Options are italic, bold, underline, none
-- You can configure multiple style with comma separated, For e.g., keywords = 'italic,bold'
code_style = {
comments = 'none',
keywords = 'none',
functions = 'none',
strings = 'none',
variables = 'none'
-- Lualine options --
lualine = {
transparent = false, -- lualine center bar transparency
-- Custom Highlights --
colors = {
bright_orange = "#ff8800", -- define a new color
-- green = '#00ffaa', -- redefine an existing color
dark_green = '#475a39'
}, -- Override default colors
highlights = {
["comments"] = {fg = '$dark_green', fmt = 'none'},
["@comment"] = {fg = '$dark_green', fmt = 'none'},
["@lsp.type.comment"] = {fg = '$dark_green', fmt = 'none'},
["LineNr"] = {fg = '$light_grey', fmt = 'none'},
["Whitespace"] = {fg = '$grey', fmt = 'none'},
-- ["@function"] = {fg = '#0000ff', sp = '$cyan', fmt = 'underline,italic'},
-- ["@function.builtin"] = {fg = '#0059ff'}
}, -- Override highlight groups
-- Plugins Config --
diagnostics = {
darker = true, -- darker colors for diagnostic
undercurl = true, -- use undercurl instead of underline for diagnostics
background = true, -- use background color for virtual text