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VCV rack plugin

NauModular VCV plugin

This is my personal collection of modules for VCV Rack: feel free to use them and modify them as you wish. If you find them useful, feel free to get me a beer.


Perlin is a Perlin noise generator.

The speed knob controls how much nervous the noise is. On its side you have a CV control input and a smaller knob to balance the final speed between the main knob's value and the CV input.

The amp knob controls noise amplitude. On its side threre's a CV control input and a balancing knob, just like for the speed control.

The lower 4 knobs are a frequency mixer: the module constantly calculates 4 noise octaves and each of these knobs controls how much of a specific octaves goes into the final mix.

The 4 outputs positioned in a square shape are single octave outputs; they are in the same order as the frequency mixer knobs: the top left one outputs the slowest noise, the bottom right one outputs the fastest noise.

The lowest, central output is the mix output, giving you a mix of the noise octaves based on your frequency mixer settings.



S&H(it) is a sample and hold module. The time knob controls how often it samples the input signal; the divider knob scales the other knob's value, so yu can range from very quick lo-fi sampling to >1s periods.



BitHammer is a logic module performing bitwise operations on 2 inputs. The incoming values are rendered as bits, hammered, reassembled as virtual voltages and finally sent out to the 6 outputs.



Tension is a fixed voltage generator: you turn the knob, you change the voltage. Useful when playing with logic chains or if you need to power up a virtual lamp ;) .



Function is a function generator; it outputs the 3 conic section functions you learned in high school: ellipse, parabola and hyperbola. Input voltage acts as the x variable, while the knob is a constant parameter.
