Zbyszek Tenerowicz
Zbyszek Tenerowicz
beforeSend is browser specific, not from `request` API, so we could consider making it follow the spec of the beforeSend from jQuery.ajax. Thoughts?
`request` has some options that would be silently ignored if one tried to use them with xhr, eg. ``` javascript requestORxhr({ url: "http://google.com", qs: { q: "how do I search...
There's more and more changes like this: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/6055 where objects no longer inherit from Object.prototype Is it time to deprecate this feature in favor of a global variable or something...
I was diagnosing performance of an app scanning node_modules. It turned out half of the time is spent in isDirectory on the few cases where it was looking for a...
What's [fearless cooperation](https://agoric.com/assets/pdf/FearlessCooperation-SES-BrianWarner-Agoric-DWeb2018.pdf)? It's running 3rd-party code in a way you benefit from it but without risking anything worse than an error being thrown if it turns malicious. Initial scope...
If scope proxy allowed setting `Symbol.unscopables` on it, poking a hole in the with(proxy) scope guard would be possible. Currently proxy protects against it, but a unit test ensuring this...
A version of the fix that doesn't introduce assumptions about language vs extension into the makeExtensionParser function, but at a cost of parsing extensions in graphPackage where it aggregates types....
implements the `endo run` command
# Use-cases *The goal of this is to collect requirements for the feature* ## import.meta.url - resolving relative paths to non-code files of the same package (data or reading version...
Fixes: #927