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Add route to get brew styling
This PR resolves #1097.
This PR adds the /css
route, which returns the stylesheet for a given brew share ID.
What is this branch blocked by?
The User Themes PR #3321 implemented a recursive form of this (retrieve CSS, and also @include CSS from parent theme, which calls it's parent theme, etc.), but that has since been overridden with a dedicated /api/themes
endpoint that gets both CSS and any associated snippets (with potential for retrieving other theme-related properties) in a bundle, including from all theme parents.
However, it has been requested that we still implement a CSS-only endpoint but just for individual brews, not recursively, which leads us back here.
I'm going to copy here the recursive implementation from #3321 along with its test cases, as I think there is still some bits that might be helpful in finishing out this PR:
CSS Retrieval
//Return CSS for a brew theme, with @include endpoint for its parent theme if any
getBrewThemeCSS : async (req, res)=>{
const brew = req.brew;
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/css');
let rendererPath = '';
if(isStaticTheme(req.brew.renderer, req.brew.theme)) //Check if parent is staticBrew
rendererPath = `${_.upperFirst(req.brew.renderer)}/`;
const parentThemeImport = `@import url(\"/css/${rendererPath}${req.brew.theme}\");\n\n`;
const themeLocationComment = `/* From Brew: ${req.protocol}://${req.get('host')}/share/${req.brew.shareId} */\n\n`;
return res.status(200).send(`${parentThemeImport}${themeLocationComment}${req.brew.style}`);
//Return CSS for a static theme, with @include endpoint for its parent theme if any
getStaticThemeCSS : async(req, res)=>{
if(!isStaticTheme(req.params.renderer, req.params.id))
res.status(404).send(`Invalid Theme - Renderer: ${req.params.renderer}, Name: ${req.params.id}`);
else {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/css');
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age: 43200, must-revalidate');
const themeParent = Themes[req.params.renderer][req.params.id].baseTheme;
const parentThemeImport = themeParent ? `@import url(\"/css/${req.params.renderer}/${themeParent}\");\n/* Static Theme ${Themes[req.params.renderer][themeParent].name} */\n` : '';
return res.status(200).send(`${parentThemeImport}@import url(\"/themes/${req.params.renderer}/${req.params.id}/style.css\");\n/* Static Theme ${Themes[req.params.renderer][req.params.id].name} */\n`);
describe('getBrewThemeWithStaticParent', ()=>{
it('should collect parent theme and brew style - returning as css with static parent imported.', async ()=>{
const toBrewPromise = (brew)=>new Promise((res)=>res({ toObject: ()=>brew }));
model.get = jest.fn(()=>toBrewPromise({ title: 'test brew', renderer: 'V3', theme: '5eDMG', shareId: 'iAmAUserTheme', style: 'I Have a style!' }));
const fn = api.getBrew('share', true);
const req = { brew: {}, get: ()=>{return 'localhost';}, protocol: 'https' };
const next = jest.fn();
await fn(req, null, next);
api.getBrewThemeCSS(req, res);
const sent = res.send.mock.calls[0][0];
expect(sent).toBe(`@import url("/css/V3/5eDMG");\n\n/* From Brew: https://localhost/share/iAmAUserTheme */\n\nI Have a style!`);
describe('getBrewThemeWithUserParent', ()=>{
it('should collect parent theme and brew style - returning as css with user-theme parent imported.', async ()=>{
const toBrewPromise = (brew)=>new Promise((res)=>res({ toObject: ()=>brew }));
model.get = jest.fn(()=>toBrewPromise({ title: 'test brew', renderer: 'V3', shareId: 'iAmAUserTheme', theme: 'IamATheme', style: 'I Have a style!' }));
const fn = api.getBrew('share', true);
const req = { brew: {}, get: ()=>{return 'localhost';}, protocol: 'https' };
const next = jest.fn();
await fn(req, null, next);
api.getBrewThemeCSS(req, res);
const sent = res.send.mock.calls[0][0];
expect(sent).toBe(`@import url("/css/IamATheme");\n\n/* From Brew: https://localhost/share/iAmAUserTheme */\n\nI Have a style!`);
describe('getStaticThemeCSS', ()=>{
it('should return an import of the theme including a parent.', async ()=>{
const req = {
params : {
renderer : 'V3',
id : '5eDMG'
api.getStaticThemeCSS(req, res);
const sent = res.send.mock.calls[0][0];
expect(sent).toBe('@import url("/css/V3/5ePHB");\n/* Static Theme 5e PHB */\n@import url("/themes/V3/5eDMG/style.css");\n/* Static Theme 5e DMG */\n');
it('should fail for an invalid static theme.', async()=>{
const req = {
params : {
renderer : 'V3',
id : '5eDMGGGG'
api.getStaticThemeCSS(req, res);
const sent = res.send.mock.calls[0][0];
expect(sent).toBe('Invalid Theme - Renderer: V3, Name: 5eDMGGGG');
You can functionally get the present theme with the bundle endpoint as they are ordered.
@G-Ambatte is there something left to do here?