node-gdal copied to clipboard
Node.js bindings for GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library)
Hi, when polygonize function finished it updates the empty shapefile in the same directory but doesnt add any features to the file. ``` const gdal = require("gdal"); const tif =...
When I update my project to Node 17 I receive this error: Error: Cannot find module '/.../carga_deter_node/node_modules/gdal-next/lib/binding/node-v102-linux-x64/gdal.node' Require stack: - /.../node_modules/gdal-next/lib/gdal.js - /.../dist/shape-to-pg-dump.js - /.../dist/main.js at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:933:15) at Function.Module._load...
~the `n*4` makes it seem like we're reading RGBA for each pixel, but experimentally `,0,16,16)` only uses 256 slots in the data buffer; only one elevation reading per pixel.~ oh...
python2 package is no longer installed on mac as of MacOS 12. M1 macs do not have pre-compiled binaries.
While reading rasters, which are too large to fit in ram, gdal does not utilize percent of memory to cache but instead filling all memory and going into pagefile. Workaround...
Hi. I'm writing geotiff files with driver.create(). I'm wondering if it's possible to set the Metadata property AREA_OR_POINT somehow? And would it then change the origin of picture?
# System node: 14.16.1 system: win10 electron: 12.0.4 node-gdal: 0.10.1 # Problem After installing and requiring with `var gdal = require("gdal");`, a cannot find module error appears: ``` Uncaught Error:...
How i can convert WFS to GeoPackage ?
If i list the supported drivers, i saw DGN there. but if i use"any_dgn_file.dgn") it seem gdal driver is missing i see an error Error: Error opening dataset
Did not consider the clip geometry to be inside the cliped polygon. Expect gdal to output a polygon with holes