leaflet-transitionedicon copied to clipboard
Leaflet plugin for transitioning in/out markers with CSS3 transitions
The Leaflet Map.removeLayer() method sets the Marker.map and Marker.mapToAdd to null before the cssOut callback is called, causing an error when the Icon is removed.
Edit: Apologies, I was mistaken about RequireJS. You're using webpack. In any case, is it possible to do a plain JS version of leaflet-transitionedicon ??
hi, I am not familiar with npm and was wondering if there's another way of getting this to work? I am new to node and npm ...so is there an...
Created a pull request for a bower.json file so that package may be installed with a simple name.
This patch creates a bower.json file so that package may be easily installed as a dependency with Bower install using a short name.