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The client is not able to reconnect to the server

Open mullerch opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments


When using the dotnet nats client library (with SetUserCredentialHandlers) and a nats server, using the accounts authentication mechanism with the full nats resolver, the dotnet client is not able to reconnect with the system account upon server restart.

nats-server: 2.4.0


Prerequisite : docker

  1. Download
  2. Extract
  3. Check the docker-compose file to have an idea of what will happen next
  4. Run docker-compose up
  5. In another terminal, run docker-compose restart server

Expected result

  • The server restart
  • The dotnet client reconnects
  • The nats-box tools reconnects

Actual result

  • The server restart
  • The dotnet client does not reconnect because of an Authorization Violation (signature not verified)
  • The nats-box tools reconnects

Other tests have demonstrated that the client is also not able to connect by recreating a new connection. Restarting the dotnet client process allows it to reconnect successfully.

Full compose log:

docker-compose up
Starting natsclienttest_server_1 ... done
Starting natsclienttest_client_1 ... done
Starting natsclienttest_tools_1  ... done
Attaching to natsclienttest_server_1, natsclienttest_client_1, natsclienttest_tools_1
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.538425 [INF] Starting nats-server
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.538466 [INF]   Version:  2.4.0
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.538468 [INF]   Git:      [e49eb66]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.538471 [DBG]   Go build: go1.16.7
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.538478 [INF]   Name:     test-server
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.538483 [INF]   ID:       NBH6PFXIJUC5K76UXUDBJPMOTWFNSAHGEJ6MM6YNY6VUPSNHQO6ZJUYA
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.538493 [INF] Using configuration file: /config/nats-server.conf
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.538495 [INF] Trusted Operators
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.538497 [INF]   System  : ""
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.538499 [INF]   Operator: "tank"
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.538516 [INF]   Issued  : 2021-09-07 13:32:43 +0000 UTC
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.538520 [INF]   Expires : 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.539158 [INF] Managing all jwt in exclusive directory /nsc/accounts-server
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.539374 [INF] Starting http monitor on
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.539457 [INF] Listening for websocket clients on ws://
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.539465 [WRN] Websocket not configured with TLS. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION!
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.539471 [DBG] Get non local IPs for ""
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.539622 [DBG]   ip=
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.539669 [INF] Listening for leafnode connections on
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.539677 [DBG] Get non local IPs for ""
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.539796 [DBG]   ip=
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.539992 [INF] Listening for MQTT clients on mqtt://
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.540022 [INF] Listening for client connections on
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.540034 [DBG] Get non local IPs for ""
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.540173 [DBG]   ip=
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:40.540191 [INF] Server is ready
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.170481 [DBG] - cid:4 - Client connection created
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.171226 [TRC] - cid:4 - <<- [CONNECT {"verbose":false,"pedantic":false,"jwt":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJlZDI1NTE5LW5rZXkifQ.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.4BeBwF8Jtc-tYeCcviN0JlexapLaIUiatuubaWriUK4ANoLjvxIY05rAg96AdmqaQr5eB0DdLyciZfskOG7wDA","sig":"c809DYmMAP_5c40--I5sZd_2biK57WXAdSf13Pz_Eb_D3MzE7eBiqEWTRFaUFDfrV_B8zdOEBhFLE4gMy4M1BQ","tls_required":false,"name":"NATS CLI Version 20210429","lang":"go","version":"1.11.0","protocol":1,"echo":true,"headers":true,"no_responders":true}]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.172072 [DBG] - cid:4 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - Authenticated JWT: Client "UA4VUACZWW44K2QF3WGBXJVAYNA4EQIBGEY22YILPVT6WZPFUEKRBMG6" (claim-name: "sys", claim-tags: []) signed with "AAFNZ7UGABT3ME6GEF4CSXNY6KUV6LSGWVZ3C55LHLUAKQ2WE4QBEBU6" by Account "ABPYWIAG43PHSARNTSX7F476RWPF2LYDG2NCOOQLJ3MXV3QOE7SWBLZN" (claim-name: "SYS", claim-tags: []) signed with "OC3S2QS2NFINTDQA2DOTD46HM6KSMCR3PA6MCSKB3XMP35ECIM4KDPGR"
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.172084 [TRC] - cid:4 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - <<- [PING]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.172092 [TRC] - cid:4 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - ->> [PONG]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.172282 [TRC] - cid:4 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - <<- [SUB ">"  1]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.172316 [TRC] - cid:4 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - <<- [PING]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.172322 [TRC] - cid:4 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - ->> [PONG]
tools_1   | 13:58:41 Subscribing on ">"
client_1  | Connecting to 'nats://server:4222'
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.335397 [DBG] - cid:5 - Client connection created
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.366139 [TRC] - cid:5 - <<- [CONNECT {"verbose":true,"pedantic":false,"user":"","pass":"[REDACTED]","ssl_required":false,"name":"the-client","auth_token":"","lang":".NET","version":"","protocol":1,"jwt":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJlZDI1NTE5LW5rZXkifQ.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.4BeBwF8Jtc-tYeCcviN0JlexapLaIUiatuubaWriUK4ANoLjvxIY05rAg96AdmqaQr5eB0DdLyciZfskOG7wDA","nkey":"","sig":"r5NBHdKvk7GQ6zI/ujKY0j3iL6yg2qRdjUau0lcL//IpBFCXljoYaCzwl4qFeQcXPX/O/H20Hh4CG0byQ8QICw==","echo":true,"headers":true,"no_responders":true}]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.366889 [DBG] - cid:5 - "v0.12.0.0:.NET:the-client" - Authenticated JWT: Client "UA4VUACZWW44K2QF3WGBXJVAYNA4EQIBGEY22YILPVT6WZPFUEKRBMG6" (claim-name: "sys", claim-tags: []) signed with "AAFNZ7UGABT3ME6GEF4CSXNY6KUV6LSGWVZ3C55LHLUAKQ2WE4QBEBU6" by Account "ABPYWIAG43PHSARNTSX7F476RWPF2LYDG2NCOOQLJ3MXV3QOE7SWBLZN" (claim-name: "SYS", claim-tags: []) signed with "OC3S2QS2NFINTDQA2DOTD46HM6KSMCR3PA6MCSKB3XMP35ECIM4KDPGR"
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.366910 [TRC] - cid:5 - "v0.12.0.0:.NET:the-client" - ->> [OK]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.366917 [TRC] - cid:5 - "v0.12.0.0:.NET:the-client" - <<- [PING]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:41.366920 [TRC] - cid:5 - "v0.12.0.0:.NET:the-client" - ->> [PONG]
client_1  | Connected.
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:43.368912 [DBG] - cid:4 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - Client Ping Timer
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:43.369019 [TRC] - cid:4 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - ->> [PING]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:43.369650 [TRC] - cid:4 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - <<- [PONG]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:43.557522 [DBG] - cid:5 - "v0.12.0.0:.NET:the-client" - Client Ping Timer
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:43.557681 [TRC] - cid:5 - "v0.12.0.0:.NET:the-client" - ->> [PING]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:46.786270 [DBG] Trapped "terminated" signal
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:46.786389 [INF] Initiating Shutdown...
tools_1   | 13:58:46 Disconnected due to: EOF, will attempt reconnect
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:46.786541 [DBG] - cid:5 - "v0.12.0.0:.NET:the-client" - Client connection closed: Server Shutdown
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:46.786548 [DBG] MQTT accept loop exiting..
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:46.786556 [DBG] - cid:4 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - Client connection closed: Server Shutdown
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:46.786568 [DBG] SYSTEM - System connection closed: Client Closed
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:46.786546 [DBG] Client accept loop exiting..
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:46.786582 [TRC] - cid:4 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - <-> [DELSUB 1]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:46.786616 [DBG] Leafnode accept loop exiting..
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:46.786666 [INF] Server Exiting..
client_1  | Disconnected.
natsclienttest_server_1 exited with code 1
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.860430 [DBG] - cid:4 - Client connection created
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.863692 [TRC] - cid:4 - <<- [CONNECT {"verbose":true,"pedantic":false,"user":"","pass":"[REDACTED]","ssl_required":false,"name":"the-client","auth_token":"","lang":".NET","version":"","protocol":1,"jwt":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJlZDI1NTE5LW5rZXkifQ.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.4BeBwF8Jtc-tYeCcviN0JlexapLaIUiatuubaWriUK4ANoLjvxIY05rAg96AdmqaQr5eB0DdLyciZfskOG7wDA","nkey":"","sig":"CZXznW+0vR14p0b2WmyOfugiSOBbsjhFDqQN8wFIaiMaQwOIftnGnGsa0PMGr3FLoIY/KGTgsjjBMAkaEkmNBg==","echo":true,"headers":true,"no_responders":true}]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.866156 [DBG] - cid:4 - "v0.12.0.0:.NET:the-client" - Signature not verified
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.866192 [ERR] - cid:4 - "v0.12.0.0:.NET:the-client" - authentication error
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.866251 [TRC] - cid:4 - "v0.12.0.0:.NET:the-client" - ->> [-ERR Authorization Violation]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.866324 [DBG] - cid:4 - "v0.12.0.0:.NET:the-client" - Client connection closed: Authentication Failure
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.870153 [DBG] - cid:5 - Client connection created
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.873199 [TRC] - cid:5 - <<- [CONNECT {"verbose":false,"pedantic":false,"jwt":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJlZDI1NTE5LW5rZXkifQ.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.4BeBwF8Jtc-tYeCcviN0JlexapLaIUiatuubaWriUK4ANoLjvxIY05rAg96AdmqaQr5eB0DdLyciZfskOG7wDA","sig":"B0N7CUZ4pZQ2vF4Sf_8uIJeVEyqcTL_hBcIJrLDC7AO4TQZTfiyCjsZdRDAaqssCPgJr94XksjIp6FWm3hVjDw","tls_required":false,"name":"NATS CLI Version 20210429","lang":"go","version":"1.11.0","protocol":1,"echo":true,"headers":true,"no_responders":true}]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.876439 [DBG] - cid:5 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - Authenticated JWT: Client "UA4VUACZWW44K2QF3WGBXJVAYNA4EQIBGEY22YILPVT6WZPFUEKRBMG6" (claim-name: "sys", claim-tags: []) signed with "AAFNZ7UGABT3ME6GEF4CSXNY6KUV6LSGWVZ3C55LHLUAKQ2WE4QBEBU6" by Account "ABPYWIAG43PHSARNTSX7F476RWPF2LYDG2NCOOQLJ3MXV3QOE7SWBLZN" (claim-name: "SYS", claim-tags: []) signed with "OC3S2QS2NFINTDQA2DOTD46HM6KSMCR3PA6MCSKB3XMP35ECIM4KDPGR"
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.876508 [TRC] - cid:5 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - <<- [PING]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.876527 [TRC] - cid:5 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - ->> [PONG]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.877486 [TRC] - cid:5 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - <<- [SUB ">"  1]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.877553 [TRC] - cid:5 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - <<- [PING]
server_1  | [1] 2021/09/07 13:58:48.877571 [TRC] - cid:5 - "v1.11.0:go:NATS CLI Version 20210429" - ->> [PONG]
tools_1   | 13:58:48 Reconnected [nats://server:4222]

mullerch avatar Sep 07 '21 14:09 mullerch

@mullerch , thank you so much for the provided test and detail in this issue. Much appreciated! We'll take a look.

ColinSullivan1 avatar Sep 07 '21 14:09 ColinSullivan1

I didn't find any improvement in recent changelog about this issue.

I've tested the reproductibility with 0.14.6 and nats-server 2.8.4-alpine3.15 and the issue is still there.

mullerch avatar May 31 '22 12:05 mullerch

I confirm that the 0.14.6 client is still affected by this issue. Do you have any news about any possible fixes?

ptrubini avatar Aug 26 '22 14:08 ptrubini

Version 1.0.0 is still affected.

mullerch avatar Sep 16 '22 06:09 mullerch

Version 1.0.2 is still affected.

mullerch avatar Dec 01 '22 15:12 mullerch

Also checked with nats:2.9.8-alpine3.16, same result.

mullerch avatar Dec 01 '22 15:12 mullerch

I suspect this is the reason my applications are failing after a few hours of uptime and only solution is to restart.... not ideal for production environment. Anybody have a workaround? How is it possible that people are using this client in production if a restart is required after every connection issue?

lsadehaan avatar Dec 20 '22 16:12 lsadehaan

I also don't understand why this problem didn't get hundreds of reactions and why it wasn't solved within a week of the report. @ColinSullivan1 any reason why this has not been adressed yet?

mullerch avatar Dec 21 '22 08:12 mullerch

@mullerch Does this happen outside of docker?

scottf avatar Dec 21 '22 21:12 scottf

Yes, Ubuntu 22.04

mullerch avatar Dec 21 '22 21:12 mullerch

I am able to reproduce it outside of docker and also demonstrate that it's the client (I can run similar code and reconnect in Java).

scottf avatar Dec 21 '22 22:12 scottf

So I made a change to your code and it reconnects now. Apparently the key pair needs to be generated each time.

(_, args) => args.JWT = "...",
(_, args) =>
    args.SignedNonce = nkeyPair.Sign(args.ServerNonce);

scottf avatar Dec 22 '22 00:12 scottf

@mullerch .NET is my second client, java being the first. I figured it out by doing some debugging, it looked like the connect string was sent just fine. But then I looked at some unit tests to see what they did and noticed the difference. Also the example in the readme shows it like the unit tests. Anyway, hope this works now.

scottf avatar Dec 22 '22 00:12 scottf

In my production application I am using SetUserCredentials with a file. And it looks like it just works... I just didn't test it since then, I was always using the above example to test if the issue was solved, so I did never realize it was and kept my workaround.

Anyway thanks for taking time for this. I have another Go client where I use a custom handler and there's no need to generate a new keypair each time. I guess this is a good workaround, but I don't see the reason why it should not work with the same keypair (speaking design). Shall I leave this open until it is truly fixed?

mullerch avatar Dec 22 '22 07:12 mullerch

I'm not quite sure why this behavior is required, but if you trace down the file version it also ends up calling Nkeys.FromSeed(seed); each time.

scottf avatar Dec 22 '22 13:12 scottf

I believe it is because when you sign we call CryptoBytes.Wipe on the private key under the hood. This is not the same as the Java client which does not clear anything.

sixlettervariables avatar Dec 22 '22 15:12 sixlettervariables


sixlettervariables avatar Dec 22 '22 15:12 sixlettervariables

All clients should wipe any copies of user memory that refer to private credentials as soon as possible - we'll want to look at Java and match that behavior.


ColinSullivan1 avatar Dec 22 '22 17:12 ColinSullivan1

@ColinSullivan1 I have reviewed java and java does clear. There are 3 library handlers. FileAuthHandler, StringAuthHandler and MemoryAuthHandler. Memory uses String. Both the File and String do this, which is the same as what the .NET does

NKey nkey =  NKey.fromSeed(this.nkey);
byte[] sig = nkey.sign(nonce);
return sig;

scottf avatar Dec 23 '22 14:12 scottf

The difference being C# clears as part of the sign operation and Java does not. The caller of Nkey.sign must clear the Nkey.

I prefer the Java behavior.

sixlettervariables avatar Dec 23 '22 17:12 sixlettervariables

The original problem was that the user was providing the sign function instead of using the code in the client. The java client does do it as part of the sign call. Anyway, this ticket is closed.

scottf avatar Dec 23 '22 18:12 scottf