ui-material-components copied to clipboard
React support
This is mainly an issue just to provide documentation until a contribution can be made that incorporates this into the repo.
Here are JSX typings (from Mayer Lench) for the UI Material Components, enabling React support:
// app.ts
import { Button } from '@nativescript-community/ui-material-button'
import { Progress } from '@nativescript-community/ui-material-progress'
import { TextField } from '@nativescript-community/ui-material-textfield'
import { Ripple } from '@nativescript-community/ui-material-ripple'
import { Slider } from '@nativescript-community/ui-material-slider'
import { TextView } from '@nativescript-community/ui-material-textview'
import { ImageSource, View, TextField as NTextField } from '@nativescript/core'
import { ActivityIndicatorAttributes, ButtonAttributes, ContentViewAttributes, NativeScriptProps, ProgressAttributes, SliderAttributes, StackLayoutAttributes, TextFieldAttributes } from 'react-nativescript'
import { ActivityIndicatorBase } from '@nativescript-community/ui-material-activityindicator/index-common'
import { CardView } from '@nativescript-community/ui-material-cardview'
import { EditableTextBaseAttributes } from 'react-nativescript/dist/lib/react-nativescript-jsx'
* NativeScript Gradient extends StackLayout, so it inherits all the
* same attributes. Thus, we extend StackLayoutAttributes here.
interface MDButtonAttributes extends ButtonAttributes {
variant?: string
elevation?: number
dynamicElevationOffset?: number;
rippleColor?: string
verticalTextAlignment?: string
shape?: string
imageSource?: ImageSource
src?: string | ImageSource
isLoading?: boolean
interface MDProgressAttributes extends ProgressAttributes {
progressColor?: string;
progressBackgroundColor?: string;
indeterminate?: boolean;
busy?: boolean;
startAnimating?(): void;
stopAnimating?(): void;
interface MDActivityIndicatorAttributes extends ActivityIndicatorAttributes {
indeterminate?: boolean;
startAnimating?(): void;
stopAnimating?(): void;
onMeasure?(widthMeasureSpec: number, heightMeasureSpec: number): void;
interface MDTextFieldAttributes extends TextFieldAttributes {
nativeViewProtected?: any;
helper?: string;
helperColor?: string;
counterMaxLength?: number;
errorColor?: string;
floating?: boolean;
placeholderColor?: string;
variant?: string;
error?: string;
digits?: string;
setSelection?(start: number, stop?: number);
interface MDRippleAttributes extends StackLayoutAttributes {
rippleColor?: string;
interface MDSliderAttributes extends SliderAttributes {
rippleColor?: string;
trackBackgroundColor?: string;
trackFillColor?: string;
thumbColor?: string;
elevation?: number;
interface MDCardViewAttributes extends ContentViewAttributes {
elevation?: number;
dynamicElevationOffset?: number;
rippleColor?: string;
shape?: string;
interface MDTextViewAttributes extends EditableTextBaseAttributes {
helper?: string;
helperColor?: string;
counterMaxLength?: number;
errorColor?: string;
floating?: boolean;
placeholderColor?: string;
variant?: string;
error?: string;
setSelection?(start: number, stop?: number);
declare global {
module JSX {
interface IntrinsicElements {
mdProgress: NativeScriptProps<MDProgressAttributes, Progress>
mdButton: NativeScriptProps<MDButtonAttributes, Button>
mdActivityIndicator: NativeScriptProps<MDActivityIndicatorAttributes, ActivityIndicatorBase>
mdCardView: NativeScriptProps<MDCardViewAttributes, CardView>
mdSlider: NativeScriptProps<MDSliderAttributes, Slider>
mdRipple: NativeScriptProps<MDRippleAttributes, Ripple>
mdTextField: NativeScriptProps<MDTextFieldAttributes, TextField>
mdTextView: NativeScriptProps<MDTextViewAttributes, TextView>
The elements would then be registered as:
registerElement('mdButton', () => require('@nativescript-community/ui-material-button').Button)
registerElement('mdProgress', () => require('@nativescript-community/ui-material-progress').Progress)
registerElement('mdActivityIndicator', () => require('@nativescript-community/ui-material-activityindicator').ActivityIndicator)
registerElement('mdBottomNavigationBar', () => require('@nativescript-community/ui-material-bottomnavigationbar').BottomNavigationBar)
registerElement('mdCardView', () => require('@nativescript-community/ui-material-cardview').CardView)
registerElement('mdFloatingActionButton', () => require('@nativescript-community/ui-material-floatingactionbutton').FloatingActionButton)
registerElement('mdRipple', () => require('@nativescript-community/ui-material-ripple').Ripple)
registerElement('mdSlider', () => require('@nativescript-community/ui-material-slider').Slider)
registerElement('mdTextField', () => require('@nativescript-community/ui-material-textfield').TextField)
registerElement('mdTextView', () => require('@nativescript-community/ui-material-textview').TextView)
Awesome! This has been on my list to implement. I'll try to get around to it soon.
Thanks @shirakaba, I'll start using
I need to use setSelection, as I'm developing a custom mask, can you guide me on how to achieve it?
@NavruzbekNoraliev I think the provided setSelection
typing is wrong – setSelection
shouldn't be a prop for the React component; rather, it's an imperative API that you'd call on the native view.
For example:
import * as React from "react";
import { EventData } from "@nativescript/core";
import { TextField as MDTextField } from '@nativescript-community/ui-material-textfield';
function MDTextFieldExample(){
// This event handler is called as soon as the native view has been populated.
function onMDTextFieldLoaded(args: EventData): void {
const mdTextField: MDTextField = args.object as MDTextField;
mdTextField.setSelection(0); // Sets selection to start at 0.
return <mdTextField onLoaded={onMDTextFieldLoaded}/>;
Happy to help if you have further problems. There are other ways to get a reference to the native view, but what you'd write as code depends greatly on what exactly you're trying to do.
@shirakaba thank you very much, this information really helped me to solve my problem)