nativescript-drawingpad copied to clipboard
SignaturePad inside ScrollView
I have the following XML (not exactly but the gist is the same):
<StackLayout #form>
[visibility]="isLoading ? 'visible' : 'collapsed'"
<StackLayout #container [class.visible]="!isLoading">
<DrawingPad id="1" height="120" penColor="#212F3D" penWidth="3" class="drawingpad"></DrawingPad>
<!-- Lots of elements -->
When I try to draw vertical lines, the scrollview takes over and scrolls the page instead of drawing within the pad.. Any idea's on how to fix this? Thanks!
Having this same issue, did you figure out a workaround?
@lukeramsden you could ty to set isUserInteractionEnabled:
<ListView isUserInteractionEnabled="false" items="{{ source }}" loaded="onLoaded" itemLoading="onItemLoading" itemTap="onItemTap">
as described here
i had the same issue
Try this out:
<ScrollView :isScrollEnabled="allowScrolling">
Then create the data property:
data() {
return {
allowScrolling: true
This will allow scrolling by default.
Then pass the allowScrolling value as a prop to your child component and watch the child component: (I'm using single file components, you may not need this)
v-on:allowScrolling="allowScrolling = $event"
Inside your child component, add a button to toggle scrolling on and off
<Button text="Tap to Sign" @tap="toggleScrolling(event)"/>
Finally, add a method to emit the new value to the parent component:
toggleScrolling(event) {
this.$emit("allowScrolling", !this.scrolling);
Hopefully this gets you closer to a workable solution.
This is my workaround (Nativescript-Vue)
<ScrollView ref="scrollView>
<DrawingPad @touch="onSignatureTouch" />
onSignatureTouch(args) {
if ( return;
if (args.action === "down") this.$refs.scrollView.nativeView.ios.scrollEnabled = false;
else if (args.action === "up") this.$refs.scrollView.nativeView.ios.scrollEnabled = true;