NSNSDAcoustics icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
NSNSDAcoustics copied to clipboard

Issues with birdnet_format, birdnet_verify, and birdnet_barchart.

Open vladkov88 opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

Hi Cathleen,

Wondering if you have any insights on the following errors:

For birdnet_format() I get: Error in birdnet_format(results.directory = "mydirectory", : Multiple file extension types found in folder. Please make sure results are all txt or all csv. Do not mix file types. even though they are all csv

For birdnet_verify() I get: Error in setkeyv(x, cols, verbose = verbose, physical = physical) : some columns are not in the data.table: recordingID

For birdnet_barchart() I get: Error in birdnet_barchart(data = raw.results, interactive = TRUE) : could not find function "birdnet_barchart"


Best, Vlad

vladkov88 avatar May 27 '22 17:05 vladkov88