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Simple PHP Parser Library for API Development
Simple PHP Parser Library for API Development, parse a post http payload into a php array.
Also see the Responder library for handling output.
Begin by installing this package through Composer. From the Terminal:
composer require nathanmac/parser
Laravel/Lumen Users
Laravel/Lumen Verison | Supported Library Verison |
Laravel/Lumen 5+ | > 3.* |
Laravel 4 | 2.* |
Laravel Users (Adding the Service Provider)
If you are a Laravel user, then there is a service provider that you can make use of to automatically prepare the bindings and such.
Include the service provider within app/config/app.php
'providers' => [
And, for convenience, add a facade alias to this same file at the bottom:
'aliases' => [
'Parser' => Nathanmac\Utilities\Parser\Facades\Parser::class,
Lumen Users (Adding the Service Provider)
If you are a Lumen user, then there is a service provider that you can make use of to automatically prepare the binding and such.
// bootstrap/app.php
Lumen users can also add the facade alias.
// bootstrap/app.php
class_alias('Nathanmac\Utilities\Parser\Facades\Parser', 'Parser');
Using the Facade
public function index()
Parser::json($payload); // JSON > Array
Parser::xml($payload); // XML > Array
Parser::yaml($payload); // YAML > Array
Parser::querystr($payload); // Query String > Array
Parser::serialize($payload); // Serialized Object > Array
Parser::bson($payload); // BSON > Array
Parser::msgpack($payload); // MSGPack > Array
Parser::all(); // Return all values
Parser::has('key'); // Does a key exist, with value.
Parser::get('key', 'default value'); // Get value by key, set an optional default.
Parser::only('id', 'name', 'email'); // Only return value from the selected keys.
Parser::except('password'); // Don't return values from the selected keys.
Parser::mask($mask); // Return masked values (see Mask Function, below).
All the examples below assume you aren't using Laravel (or Lumen), and therefore don't have access to the facade. As with any other facade, instead of:
$parser = new Parser();
just use:
Parsing Functions
$parser->json($payload); // JSON > Array
$parser->xml($payload); // XML > Array
$parser->yaml($payload); // YAML > Array
$parser->querystr($payload); // Query String > Array
$parser->serialize($payload); // Serialized Object > Array
$parser->bson($payload); // BSON > Array
$parser->msgpack($payload); // MSGPack > Array
Parse Input/Payload (PUT/POST)
$parser = new Parser();
$parser->payload(); // Auto Detect Type - 'Content Type' HTTP Header
$parser->payload('application/json'); // Specifiy the content type
Helper functions
$parser = new Parser();
$parser->all(); // Return all values
$parser->has('key'); // Does a key exist, with value.
$parser->get('key', 'default value'); // Get value by key, set an optional default.
$parser->only('id', 'name', 'email'); // Only return value from the selected keys.
$parser->except('password'); // Don't return values from the selected keys.
$parser->mask($mask); // Return masked values (see Mask Function, below).
Mask function
The mask function processes payload data using a configuration mask, thereby returning only a selected subset of the data.
It works just like the only
method but with the added benefit of allowing you to specify a mask in the form of an array,
this means you can generate masks on-the-fly based on system and/or user defined conditions.
Defining the mask, masks consist of basic array structure, for this particular example we have some rules for the data to be returned they include: - the title of the post - all the body's for all the comments.
$mask = [
'post' => [
'title' => '*',
'comments' => [
'body' => '*'
Sample Payload
"post": {
"title": "Hello World",
"author": "John Smith",
"comments": [
{"body": "This is a comment", "date": "2015-02-20"},
{"body": "This is another comment", "date": "2015-05-09"}
Applying the Mask
$parser = new Parser();
$output = $parser->mask($mask);
This is the output generated as a result of applying the mask against the sample payload provided above.
$output = [
'post' => [
'title' => 'Hello World',
'comments' => [
['body' => 'This is a comment'],
['body' => 'This is another comment']
Wildcards/Special Keys (*, %, :first, :last, :index[0], :item[0])
$parser = new Parser();
$parser->has('message.*'); // Does a key exist, with value. (Wildcard key returns first item found)
$parser->get('message.*'); // Get value by key. (Wildcard key returns first item found)
$parser->has('message.:first'); // Does a key exist, with value. (:first key returns first item found)
$parser->get('message.:first'); // Get value by key. (:first key returns first item found)
$parser->has('message.:last'); // Does a key exist, with value. (:last key returns last item found)
$parser->get('message.:last'); // Get value by key. (:last key returns last item found)
$parser->has('message.:index[0]'); // Does a key exist, with value. (:index[0] key returns item at index 0)
$parser->get('message.:index[0]'); // Get value by key. (:index[0] key returns item at index 0)
$parser->has('message.:item[0]'); // Does a key exist, with value. (:item[0] key returns item at index 0)
$parser->get('message.:item[0]'); // Get value by key. (:item[0] key returns item at index 0)
Parse JSON
$parser = new Parser();
$parsed = $parser->json('
"message": {
"to": "Jack Smith",
"from": "Jane Doe",
"subject": "Hello World",
"body": "Hello, whats going on..."
Parse XML
$parser = new Parser();
$parsed = $parser->xml('
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xml xmlns:ns="">
<message status="sent">
<ns:meta hint="created">Created 5 minutes ago</ns:meta>
<to>Jack Smith</to>
<from>Jane Doe</from>
<subject>Hello World</subject>
<body>Hello, whats going on...</body>
Parse Query String
$parser = new Parser();
$parsed = $parser->querystr('to=Jack Smith&from=Jane Doe&subject=Hello World&body=Hello, whats going on...');
Parse Serialized Object
$parser = new Parser();
$parsed = $parser->serialize('a:1:{s:7:"message";a:4:{s:2:"to";s:10:"Jack Smith";s:4:"from";s:8:"Jane Doe";s:7:"subject";s:11:"Hello World";s:4:"body";s:24:"Hello, whats going on...";}}');
Parse YAML
$parser = new Parser();
$parsed = $parser->yaml('
to: "Jack Smith"
from: "Jane Doe"
subject: "Hello World"
body: "Hello, whats going on..."
Parse BSON
$parser = new Parser();
$parsed = $parser->bson('BSON DATA HERE');
Parse MSGPack
$parser = new Parser();
$parsed = $parser->msgpack('MSGPACK DATA HERE');
Custom Parsers/Formatters
You can make your own custom parsers/formatters by implementing FormatInterface, the below example demostrates the use of a custom parser/formatter.
use Nathanmac\Utilities\Parser\Formats\FormatInterface;
* Custom Formatter
class CustomFormatter implements FormatInterface {
* Parse Payload Data
* @param string $payload
* @return array
* @throws ParserException
public function parse($payload)
$payload; // Raw payload data
$output = // Process raw payload data to array
return $output; // return array parsed data
Using the CustomFormatter
use Acme\Formatters\CustomFormatter;
$parser = new Parser();
$parsed = $parser->parse('RAW PAYLOAD DATA', new CustomFormatter());
Autodetecting the CustomFormatter
use Acme\Formatters\CustomFormatter;
$parser = new Parser();
$parser->registerFormat('application/x-custom-format', 'Acme\Formatters\CustomFormatter');
To test the library itself, run the tests:
composer test
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
- nathanmac
- All Contributors
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
Supported Content-Types
application/xml > XML
text/xml > XML
application/json > JSON
application/x-javascript > JSON
text/javascript > JSON
text/x-javascript > JSON
text/x-json > JSON
text/yaml > YAML
text/x-yaml > YAML
application/yaml > YAML
application/x-yaml > YAML
application/bson > BSON
application/msgpack > MSGPack
application/x-msgpack > MSGPack
application/vnd.php.serialized > Serialized Object
application/x-www-form-urlencoded' > Query String