Hendrik Erz
Hendrik Erz
Can you, when you export to HTML, right-click and select "Inspect" and see if the element is in fact an ``-element? Feel free to also add a screenshot here.
The sidebar displays only files within the currently selected directory, not from arbitrary folders. There is, however, an issue open (#3147) to also include subdirs. Do I understand you correctly...
Alright, that makes a pair of shoes — converting this to a feature request of some sort of media browser!
> to inject code, but actually you can’t since according to the Pandoc documentation these directives can only be used with standalone (which is set to false in Zettlr with...
I noticed this recently, it's weirdly intermittend on the nightlies, but I've noticed this and will get to this after I've fixed a few remaining bugs regarding the file operations.
Fixed that yesterday!
Please remind me about this after the betas for 3.0 start and, if you could reproduce this issue with the betas.
This won't be necessary anymore in the newer versions since I've dumped the "in-memory-files". A lot of people have complained that this is apparently unintuitive and those people wanted a...
This sounds very much like a YAML frontmatter that is not terminated. Could it be that you're accidentally pulling in a YAML file to Pandoc…? Could you please share the...
Closing as unattended and unable to reproduce.