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A branching dialogue manager for the Godot game engine powered by SayWhat

📣 You should now use Godot Dialogue Manager instead. 📣

It has more features and is better integrated into Godot.

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SayWhat addon for Godot

A branching dialogue manager for Godot. Used in conjunction with the SayWhat branching dialogue editor.


  1. Clone or download a copy of this repository.
  2. Copy the contents into your res://addons/saywhat_godot directory.
  3. Enable SayWhat in your project plugins.


The SayWhat addon provides a global DialogueManager that you can use to get lines of dialogue.


When initialising you provide it with state objects. These objects will be used (along with the current scene) for running conditional line checks and performing state mutations.

# Basic nodes that contains game state and methods for affecting state
DialogueManager.game_states = [SessionState, GameState]

Example project

Check out to see a quick example of how the dialogue manager can be used to show dialogue on the screen (and handle mutations).

Getting dialogue

The easiest way of getting a line of dialogue to display is by yielding to get_next_dialogue_line using an ID that you can copy from the SayWhat dialogue editor:

var dialogue_resource = preload("res://assets/dialogue/example.tres")
var dialogue = yield(DialogueManager.get_next_dialogue_line(id, dialogue_resource), "completed")

This will find the line with the given id and then begin checking conditions and stepping over each line in the next_id sequence until we hit a line of dialogue that can be displayed (or the end of the conversation). Any mutations found along the way will be exectued as well.

The returned line in dialogue will have the following properties:

  • character: String
  • dialogue: String
  • next_id: String
  • responses: Array of DialogueOptions:
    • prompt: String
    • next_id: String

It's up to you to implement the actual dialogue rendering and input control.

I have a DialogueBalloon scene that I instance that handles all of the rendering and user input:

# Show a line of dialogue from a given ID from SayWhat
func show_dialogue(id: String, resource: DialogueResource) -> void:
	var dialogue = yield(DialogueManager.get_next_dialogue_line(id, resource), "completed")
	if dialogue != null:
		var balloon := DialogueBalloon.instance()
		balloon.dialogue = dialogue
		# Dialogue might have response options so we have to wait and see
		# what the player chose
		show_dialogue(yield(balloon, "dialogue_actioned"), resource)


Conditions let you optionally show dialogue or response options.

If you have a condition in the dialogue editor like if some_variable == 1 or if some_other_variable then you need to have a matching property on one of the given game_states or the current scene.

If you have a condition like if has_item("rubber_chicken") then you will need a method on one of the game_states or the current scene that matches the signature func has_item(thing: String) -> bool: (where the argument thing can be called whatever you want, as long as the type matches or is untyped). The method will be given "rubber_chicken" as that argument).


Mutations are for updating game state or running sequences (or both).

If you have a mutation in the dialogue editor like do some_variable = 1 then you will need a matching property on one of your game_states or the current scene.

If you have a mutation like do animate("Character", "cheer") then you will need a method on one of the game_states or the current scene that matches the signature func animate(character: String, animation: String) -> void:. The argument character will be given "Character" and animation will be given "cheer".


By default, all dialogue and response prompts will be run through Godot's tr function to provide translations.

You can turn this off by setting DialogueManager.auto_translate = false but beware, if it is off you may need to handle your own variable replacements if using manual translation keys. You can use DialogueManager.replace_values(line) or DialogueManager.replace_values(response) to replace text variable markers with their values.


Nathan Hoad


Licensed under the MIT license, see for more information.