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angular6-dynamic-dashboard copied to clipboard

Dynamic dashboard prototype using angular-gridster2 and ngx-dynamic-template


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Dynamic dashboard prototype using angular-gridster2 and ngx-dynamic-template This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.8.

Start json-server

You need to install json server (Dashboards are generated and saved using a REST API) run npm install -g json-server

run json-server --watch ./API/db.json

Start Angular

Install dependencies first by running npm i Run ng serve -o for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically redirect you to the first dashboard


Keep in mind that this is a prototype of a dynamic dashboard saved in a serialized JSON. Actually it communicate with a local REST API using json-server. This demo allow you to perform GET request for the moment, i'm implementing POST and PUT request to save dashboard state on the fly. Although JSON is serialized, I can parse it to make an instance of the component that was on the dashboard before serialization. demo