Noodle-Synth copied to clipboard
A User-friendly Arduino/Teensy Library to play RTTL/MIDI with infinite polyphonic notes; it has full control over volume, pitch, and music. No shields needed(Just a speaker).
When I test a code (it doesn't matter which one, even the examples like Spiderdance), it will work perfectly fine if there is no setVolume() command in it. If I...
Hello, thanks a lot for this great library, actually used to end up my clock, that's playing nice alarm songs. I was reducing the code size and I found some...
Libraries are locked to the `name` value specified by the metadata file in the release at the time of the Library Manager submission. Any release with a different name...
I gave this a try but I am getting some odd noises. Seems to be some combination of a hum and a swishing sound. Seems to happen with/after the notes....
From the project description: > A User-friendly Arduino/Teensy/ESP8266 Library to play MIDI files Sorry if I missed this, but how does one play MIDI files with this library? I saw...
I start playing the music sequence. For every note I play, I have to light the right led. As to know what note plays in this moment?
In file synEngine.h #define CHA 3 #define CHB 4 Pin 4 is not a PWM pin on Uno, Mini, Nano or Pro. You need to change it to this: #if...