Nathan Fiscaletti

Results 14 comments of Nathan Fiscaletti

> [ Quoting in "[gomarkdown/markdown] nested blockq..." ] > ``` > Blockquotes can also be nested... >> using additional greater-than signs right next to each other... > > >...

Any update on this? Would love to use this library, but would really love to have Windows support as well.

Here is a list of all of the extensions I have installed. Installed Extensions ``` 42crunch.vscode-openapi aaron-bond.better-comments bierner.markdown-mermaid cweijan.dbclient-jdbc cweijan.vscode-database-client2 dart-code.dart-code dbaeumer.vscode-eslint dionmunk.vscode-notes eamodio.gitlens edgaraldair.vintage-vibrance esbenp.prettier-vscode formulahendry.code-runner formulahendry.docker-explorer george-alisson.html-preview-vscode github.copilot...

> Harmless You mean intrusive, ugly, and log polluting?