automated_youtube_channel copied to clipboard
skipped userHERE because of graphql I ALSO HAVE ANOTHER ISSUE! PLEASE HELP!!!!
2022 3 12 23 11 14 ./MAR_2022_v12.mp4 Scraping Videos... Starting Scraping <instaloader.nodeiterator.NodeIterator object at 0x000001605261FC70> Scraping From Account: funnyposts Skipped acc funnypostsbecause of 'graphql' Scraping From Account: tweets Skipped acc tweetsbecause of 'graphql' Scraping From Account: epicfunnypage Downloaded 0 videos successfully
Scraping From Account: lmao Skipped acc lmaobecause of 'graphql' Scraping From Account: ight Skipped acc ightbecause of 'graphql' Scraping From Account: memezar Skipped acc memezarbecause of 'graphql' Scraping From Account: meme.ig Downloaded 0 videos successfully
Scraped Videos!
Making Compilation...
Total Length: 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\sound\OneDrive\Desktop\chrome downloads\automated_youtube_channel-master\automated_youtube_channel-master\", line 145, in
so you can see both errors i get :/ I get the skipped because of 'graphql' and the downloaded 0 videos, and the smth smth smth idk just above this text
same problem
same problem, any clue?
Handling GoogleAPI 2022 5 1 22 24 16 ./MAY_2022_v1.mp4 Scraping Videos... Starting Scraping <instaloader.nodeiterator.NodeIterator object at 0x7feb61bed3c8> Scraping From Account: meme.collector.8 Downloaded 0 videos successfully
Scraping From Account: itz.the.nature Skipped acc itz.the.naturebecause of 'graphql' Scraping From Account: relax.with.nature Downloaded 0 videos successfully
Scraped Videos!
Making Compilation...
Total Length: 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 145, in
When I understand this correct, the following just happens because no videos had been downloaded before.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 145, in attemptRoutine() File "", line 136, in attemptRoutine routine() File "", line 107, in routine outputFile = outputFile) File "automated_youtube_channel-master/", line 94, in makeCompilation finalClip = concatenate_videoclips(videos, method="compose") File "/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/moviepy/video/compositing/", line 75, in concatenate_videoclips w = max(r[0] for r in sizes) ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
So, the issue is more with downloading 0 videos, i suspect (?)